MirandaNet promotes an evolving partnership between specialist in digital technologies in research, education and industry to promote evidence based uses of ICT in education. MirandaNet:
- provides a forum to share ideas and evolved practice
- promotes and engages in research and evaluation
- disseminates best practice
- provides evidence based advice and guidance to policy makers
The MirandaNet Associateship works in collaboration with those companies and organisations involved in action research projects and pilot studies focusing on the impact of advanced technologies on teaching and learning. The organisations that support the Associateship want to see their products at the centre of good practice in life-long learning.
The investments made by these companies and organisations goes directly to continuing professional development on-line for teachers with the advantage that members of MirandaNet make effective use of on-line communication. Thus the non-profit making MirandaNet Fellowship represents an innovative ICT teacher education model.
The Fellowship includes ICT experts at a range of levels from schools to local education authorities, universities, industry and government. Membership of the MirandaNet learning community includes opportunities for networking and inside information on the marketplace. Benefits include promotion by teachers for teachers on the MirandaNet web site, at conferences, in the educational press and on the website.
Associates have their logo included on the MirandaNet website as well as an education representative’s page where they can provide direct relevant information to educators and a direct link to the organisation's web site. MirandaNet maintains a high public profile with reports published in the national press, education and computing magazines and professional and academic journals. In addition when MirandaNet fellows present their work at local and national conferences and seminars Associates have a presence.
Companies and organisations can extend their involvement by jointly designing research and development pilots of their products in learning institutions, set up and managed by MirandaNet or the Associate, the subsequent publication of results increases the organisation's profile, prestige and credibility in the market place.
The MirandaNet Associateship offers the wider world the benefits of effective exposure at seminars and conferences, logos and descriptions at prestigious media outlets, product testing and presentation of products by teachers at seminars and conferences, published case studies in relevant sectors of the national and education press and the internet, scholarship programmes supported by government bodies, education organisations, local authorities and NAACE. MirandaNet also make accessible its strong national, European and international connections, products featured in effective teaching and learning contexts and matched funding from governments and the EU to supplement any contributions.
For further information on becoming an Associate: