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MirandaNet Research Centres
Research | MirandaNet Academy | Case Studies | E-Journal
Welcome to the MirandaNet Braided Learning E-Journal
this is now an archived part of the site. All the case studies which had
been separately developed in the various eJournals are now available from
one location, Case Studies.
The Braided Learning E-Journal provided an environment for MirandaNet fellows and others to develop work openly and collaboratively, sharing resources and allowing comments in the form of peer reviews and structured discussions. It was tailored to specific projects, such as Etopia, Mapping Inspiration, Interactive Whiteboards, Teachers as Researchers, and the MirandaNet Academy. All materials previously available in this area are now located in the Case Studies section, and members of MirandaNet are encouraged to add further case studies using the routine on the Members Log on pages.
If anyone wishes to start a new project which would benefit from using the eJournal, please contact the MirandaNet Editor using one of the many links such as the one below.