Promethean World Interactive Whiteboards
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Whiteboard Project
In 2003 the MirandaNet Fellowship in partnership with the Schoolscape@Future EU Minerva project and Promethean Interactive Whiteboards set up a professional development programme for teachers across the UK. There were 3 sessions in 2003 where teachers were assisted in learning the technology, setting up classroom projects, sharing with colleagues and building a knowledge base of action research teachers' briefing packs.
Download a PDF Brochure (610K) about the first stage of the project.
Seven teachers from schools across the country participated in action research projects that covered all Key stages, funded by Promethean and directed by MirandaNet. This looked at the impact of ACTIVboards on teaching and learning. Case studies can be found on the MirandaNorth site.
Three distinct threads emerged from the research:
- the need for a planned approach to the infrastructure and ICT skills that were needed when interactive whiteboards were introduced;
- the identification of all of the curriculum concepts involved in the teaching;
- affective changes in staff and students engendered by effective use of interactive whiteboards.
Thanks are due to Promethean and their educational teams for their support throughout the project. Detailed case studies are available to download.
Go to the MirandaNorth pages for more information about Interactive Whiteboards.