
The MirandaNet iCatalyst CPD Programme

iCatalyst | iCatalyst Overview | iCatalyst Team | Society 21 | Older CPD Projects


Teachers designing and delivering CPD programmes for each other.

iCatalyst is an innovative CPD programme relevant to the whole workforce that provides a range of accreditation, from Certificates of Course participation, Graduate Certificates, Post-Graduate certificates and Diplomas to full M-level qualifications. Opportunities are available for study at Doctoral level.

MirandaNet are offering to merge the existing teachers experiences of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in digital technologies and MirandaNet’s highly successful and innovative iCatalyst ICT CPD model to achieve teachers objectives and create a sustainable model for teacher initial training and CPD that will be scalable and internationally replicable. Unlike previous CPD systems for teachers, iCatalyst targets school development as one entity and enables wide innovation through effective utilization of digital technology. This may have to change with each client to fit in with their culture and needs.

iCatalyst diagram: click to enlarge

[Click on image to enlarge]

Prices are negotiated with each school dependent on the number of participants and the programme they chose.

The outcomes of projects run by teachers in this programme will be posted on the World Ecitizens project as part of the Etopia Project.

[The iCatalyst Overview]

[The iCatalyst team and partners]

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