Achievement for All Live Workshops
BETT12 | Live Workshops Programme| Notes for speakers and participants | Links to Workshop resources | Achievement for All
BETT12 11th – 14th January 2012, Olympia, London.
Achievement for All ( is a tailored school improvement framework, delivered in partnership with leaders, teachers, parents, pupils and support professionals, that aims to raise the aspirations, access and achievement of pupils identified with SEND. A two-year pilot has demonstrated unprecedented impact for SEND pupils, who progressed faster on average than all pupils nationally in English and Maths. Achievement for All schools may wish to apply the Achievement for All framework to a wider range of vulnerable pupils in line with their whole-school improvement strategy.
professional organisation, The MirandaNet Fellowship has a remit in the
Achievement for All programme to develop the potential of digital technologies
in raising achievement within the target group. A key element in this work
will be to support the teams of Achievement for All coaches and champions
in sharing effective digital practices. This process will begin at the BETT
exhibition in London,11th – 14th January, where several professional
organisations will contribute what is already known in this area and debate
what might be useful in the future.
Achievement for All leaders, coaches and champions will reflect on and be summarising what has been learnt. The resources developed in these seminars, sometimes called unconferences , will be used to populate the web-based Achievement For All Hub about how achievement can be raised. All contributors will be eligible for a certificate for participation in a professional development event and access to the resources collected over the four days. The unconference sessions are listed on the Live Workshops Programme.
Achievement for All leaders and coaches will host a series of eight 'unconferences' - participant-driven events that equally involve all the educators, parents and carers who attend, not just the main speakers. The outputs of the sessions will be used to create a web-based Achievement for All Hub to be interrogated and added to by Achievement for All teachers and senior managers in the schools who register to join.
Each session will be opened by Achievement for All leaders, coaches and champions who will explain the programme’s aims and achievements so far. MirandaNet Fellows will explain the principles of an unconference and, in particular, how all participants in the unconference can enter their thoughts and comments into a collaborative digital mind map ( as the debate progresses.
Invited experts and organisations will briefly explain the specific Achievement for All related themes for the session from their own perspective. Each contributor will speak for between 2 to 5 minutes outlining their key points. Presentation software is not encouraged in order to promote engagement with the audience, but accompanying resources will be allocated space in the Achievement for All Hub so that more detail can be stored.
BETT Registration: if you have not yet registered for BETT12 you can do so at Getting a ticket via email will save you queuing at the venue.
BETT Contact details
- Christina Preston: 07801 336 048
Highlights from MirandaNet at BETT in previous years