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Mapping the route: steps to e-facilitation
E-facilitation in e-communities: coursework
Stella Cattini-Muller
Year of posting: 2005
The study is a compilation of four assignments designed to chart our group and personal progress and e-learning as the course of e-facilitation study has developed. The first step is the Code of Conduct constructed through group discussion and information exchange. The second examines the skills needed for participation in online forums and develops from experiential learning and group discussion. The third step is the exploration of other educational forums and participation in some of them, as well as the testing out of e-facilitation processes in the Select Education forum. The final step is an analysis of Gilly Salmon's 5 stage model and the concept of scaffolded learning, both in our course group and its potential application in teaching.Keywords:
five stages/experiential learning processes /skills/groupwork/support
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