The Fellowship | Senior Fellows | MirandaNet Vision | Projects | Membership | MirandaLink | How to join
MirandaLink is the closed message system used by MirandaNet members to send messages to each other. Only registered members can use the system, as it is completely closed to outsiders. (Public debates can be had on the Forums - see the menu link on the left to find out more about our Forums).
Closed or open, web-based forums and message systems should be used in a way which neither causes offence to others, nor brings the writer into danger. MirandaNet fully subscribes to the Becta and ChildNet guidelines: see our Netiquette page for more information.
You will be automatically subscribed to MirandaLink when you join MirandaNet. Visitors who wish to join should apply for Membership on the How to join link. If you wish to unsubscribe or change your subscribed email address, follow the instructions further down this page.
- To send a message to all the members in MirandaLink, send an email to
- Click on 'Reply' if you just want to send a message to the person who wrote the original message.
- Click on 'Reply to All' if you want to include everyone in the list in your reply.
Guidance on the size of messages
For safety reasons, and to keep web traffic down, MirandaLink has a fairly low limit on the size of the message that can be sent. MirandaLink is for messages, and not really suitable for sending attachments, long Word or Excel files and picture files.
Managing MirandaNet Messages
Sometimes, despite the generally high quality of debate on MirandaNet, receiving all those messages can be too much of a Good Thing. The easiest way to deal with messages which always have the same word in the subject is to create a Rule (this is the term used in Outlook and Outlook Express) or a Filter (the term used in Thunderbird and some other email programs). Create a folder for MirandaLink messages in your mail program, and set the rule or filter to look for all messages with [MirandaLink] in the subject and move them there. You can then read your favourite messages at your leisure, and your main inbox is less cluttered. There is a simple wizard on Outlook and Outlook Express to help you do this, but it is very easy. Soon you will be setting up rules to sort all your mail as it arrives!
Another simple way to cut down the number of MirandaLink messages is to go to your profile, enter the MirandaLink control section and opt to receive the 'digest' version, which bundles messages together.
Removing your email address from the list
Membership of MirandaNet means membership of MirandaLink. However, there will be times when members wish to stop emails for whatever reason, and you can do this by logging on to the Members' Area and editing your profile. There is a tick box for MirandaLink in the first section. You can leave or rejoin the list at any time by editing this tick box. You can also temporarily suspend receipt of these messages without actually unsubscribing by editing the settings in the separate MirandaLink control section.
MirandaLink is a closed list: only subscribed members can send and receive messages, and only from the email address that they are subscribed under. You can change your email address by logging on to the Members' Area and editing your profile. There is a space for your email address, and changing this will automatically remove your old email address from the list and add your new address to the list. Some members wish to have two MirandaLink email addresses so they can send messages from home or work: if you wish to have a second email address you can send a request to the .
[More about the MirandaNet Fellowship]
[MirandaNet Fellowship Brochure] (320KB pdf)
[MirandaNet - a personal reflection by Ben
[Christina Preston: MirandaNet's Director and