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MirandaMod events series 2011 - 2012
In partnership with BCSE, BESA, InspireWords, Immersive Education, NelsonThorne, Radiowaves and Steljes
Next Sessions: March 1st and May 3rd 2012
Your role as a participant
The MirandaNet Fellowship professional community invites educators to join us, face-to -face or online, to discuss the role of digital technologies in enriching learning. Policy makers, senior managers, teachers, student teachers will all benefit from participating in these events. Chris Yapp who is leading the sessions is also researching for his new book, Persuasive Learning, in which ideas from educators at these events will be acknowledged. The MirandaMods is a themed 'unconference'.
MirandaMod One: Schools and Schooling in the Digital Age
This session took place in November 2011 at the University of Bedforshire.
MirandaMod Two: Integrating 21st century skills into the classroom
March 1st 1630-1930
"I am absolutely committed to ensuring that our school system not only prepares pupils for this changing world, but also embraces the technological advances which are transforming education ... " Michael Gove, 2011.
Part One 16:30 Seminar
- The Big Picture: Chris Yapp
- What's new in digital tools for learning: Ray Barker
- Visual Learning and Digital Literacy: Theo Keuchel and Matthew Pearson
- Using Video as a curriculum tool: Leon Cych
- Using Skype as a learning tool: Glenys Hart
- Mapping concepts collaboratively: Christina Preston
Part Two 18:30 Workshop
- Mapping concepts - building and sharing collaborative knowledge: Andrea Raiker and Christina Preston
NB There may be more up-to-date information about this event on the MirandaNet Research Exchange
MirandaMod Three: Assessing the value of physical and virtual spaces in enriching learning.
May 3rd 1630-1930
"One of the greatest changes can be seen in the lives of children and young people, who are at ease with the world of technology and who communicate, socialise and participate online effortlessly….. Yet the classrooms of today don't reflect these changes." Michael Gove 2011
Part One 16:30 Seminar
Looking into space: Chris Yapp
- Learning in Space: Nusrat Faizullah
- To ban, or not to ban? Social networking: Leon Cych (TBC)
- Skills for virtual environments: developing e-facilitation skills: John Cuthell (TBC)
- Learning in games spaces: Donna Burton-Wilcock
- Are Twitterers Twits? Virtual life in 140 characters: Matthew Pearson
- School involved in global learning: Glenys Hart
- Universities creating learning spaces for schools: Dicle Kortantamer (TBC)
- Copyright and web publishing: Theo Keuchel
Part Two 18:30 Workshop
Into the liminal space: from social networking to collaborative knowledge creation
- Marilyn Leask, Gareth Evans, John Cuthell, Andrea Raiker and Christina Preston
NB There may be more up-to-date information about this event on the MirandaNet Research Exchange
Professional development in the use of digital technologies for educators
These three MirandaMod events provide an opportunity to meet the MirandaNet tutors who will be running Professional Development programmes in digital technologies at the University of Bedfordshire from September 2012. You can sign up at certificate, diploma, masters or doctorate level for a short of long course. Read more.....
As a taster for this programme the MirandaNet team invite you to join our workshop, An 'un' what? How to run an unconference, that will be held before the MirandaMod on May 3rd. More information about this training session on the Bedford campus from 1300-1530
How to get there:
The Learning Hub, Bedfordshire University, Bedford
Main reception, Bedford Campus, Polhill Avenue, Bedford MK41 9E
Location map: http://www.beds.ac.uk/studentlife/registration/map
There is parking on site at low cost.
(Note: this event is not at the Luton campus)
at BETT12
We had a full set of MirandaMods at this year's BETT Exhibition, held in partnership with Achievement for All and the University of Bedfordshire, under the generic title of Achievement for All Live Workshops.
You can find see numerous resources and feeds from this series by going to the MirandaMod Wiki.
Group on flickr!
MirandaNet Fellow Theo Kuechel has kindly added a MirandaNet group to the photo-sharing site flickr. Theo says:
We welcome all contributions related to MirandaNet and invite you to share your photos and short videos. Examples would be MirandaMods, Conferences, and trips and images relating to MirandaNet Research. We always encourage the use of a Creative Commons Licence wherever possible, and always include the MirandaNet tag, please.