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March 2002

Learning with Technologies in School, Home and Community

MirandaNet Fellows are invited by Bridget Somekh to participate in this conference. Christina Preston will be delighted to help MN Fellows and Scholars with their application and papers. Scholars could achieve their fellowship by this route.

Learning with Technologies in School, Home and Community
IFIP WG 3.5 Working Conference in Manchester, June 30 - July 5, 2002

Bursaries for Primary Teachers

The DfES has just agreed to sponsor ten primary teachers/head teachers to attend this conference. We are absolutely delighted as this will ensure that our many international visitors hear about the work of teachers in the UK.

Please would you draw this to the attention of any teachers in MirandaNet who are currently engaged in innovative work using ICT. Procedures for applying for a bursary of £500 are set out below. The bursary will cover the registration fee of £350 and provide £150 towards travel and accommodation.

The conference is being organised by IFIP WG 3.5 on Informatics and Elementary Education. Full information is available on the conference web-site:


All participants are asked to contribute a paper for presentation at the conference. The organizers wish to encourage a wide diversity of contributions related to the following focus, themes and perspectives:

We are not sure how much you know of the work of IFIP. It is an international federation of national computing/information processing societies established by UNESCO to address international cooperation and development in ICT in education, business, research and society. It is committed to building partnerships and developing strategies for improving the effectiveness of ICT in education across different national contexts. IFIP WG 3.5 focuses on ICTs in Elementary Education. IFIP Working Conferences bring together leading international professionals and researchers to exchange knowledge and engage critically with current issues of importance for policy and practice. This one will be particularly important, coming at a time when digital technology is having a major impact on social, political and economic institutions and structures round the world.

Yours sincerely

Professor Bridget Somekh, MMU, UK
Chair of Organising Committee

To Apply for a DfES Bursary

Teachers should apply by letter to Professor Bridget Somekh, Chair of the Organising Committee, either by email (j.davidson at mmu.ac.uk) or by post to The Research Centre, Institute of Education, Manchester Metropolitan University, 799 Wilmslow Road, Didsbury, Manchester M20 2RR, UK.

Please give:

Applications should reach Bridget Somekh by Friday March 22, 2002.

Notification on the award of bursaries will go out to all applicants by Friday April 5, 2002.

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