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Miles Berry gets ICT in Practice Award

Miles BerryFollowing his Becta ICT in Practice Award, Mirandanet fellow Miles Berry's work with open source web-based applications at St Ives School, Haslemere, has received some very positive coverage in the national press. The 10th March edition of TES Online covered some of the issues around the rollout of 'Learning Platforms', and featured a full page article on Miles' use of Moodle at St Ives. Jack Kenny wrote "Although Miles is technically accomplished, he is able to see above the technology. He is insistent that his work is driven by how he teaches, not by technology, with student autonomy at the heart of what he does."

The full text is online at www.tes.co.uk/search/story/?story_id=2206513

Alongside this Miles' work was also mentioned in Leon Cych's webextra for the TES: "His school is using Moodle and a social networking tool called Elgg... to forge whole new ways of working appropriate for the 21st century" - see www.tes.co.uk/2202023. A number of other Mirandanet fellows and scholars have started experimenting with Elgg (see elgg.net) as a blogging platform. Earlier in March, the Guardian gave a good overview of this software, and also mentioned Miles' work with this: "he is keen to stress that the real strength of the software compared with more traditional VLEs is that 'much of the control is handed to the pupils themselves', as they get to choose what they write about and whether to share their work" - see education.guardian.co.uk/elearning/story/0,,1724614,00.html

[Miles Berry's Profile]

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