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Learning to Teach Using ICT in the Secondary School
Edited by MirandaNet Fellows Marilyn Leask, De Montfort University, UK and Norbert Pachler, Institute of Education, University of London, UK
book, contributed to by a number of MirandaNet Fellows, provides a starting
point for exploring the possibilities that ICT offers to schools, teachers
and pupils. The focus is on applying the new technologies in the classroom,
in subject areas and for professional development. Potential for changes in
current practice is explored in the book and practical examples are given.
Contents with links to Fellows' Profiles
- Part 1: Learning and teaching with ICT
- Theories of Learning and ICT - Norbert Pachler
- Motivating Pupils through the Use of ICT Margaret - J. Cox
- ICT and Classroom Management - Michelle Selinger
- Using the lnternet as a Teaching and Learning Tool - Norbert Pachler and Lawrence Williams
- Selecting, Using and Producing Classroom-based Multimedia - Steve Bruntlett
- Videoconferencing - Mike Butler and Paul Kelley
- Special Educational Needs and ICT - Glendon (Ben) Franklin with David Litchfield
- Assessment of and through ICT - Norbert Pachler and Keith Byrom
- Part II: Professional and whole-school issues
- ICT Self-audit - Lyn Dawes and Marilyn Leask
- Managing Change: Getting Ready for the Twenty-first-Century Classroom - Ed Baines
- Using ICT in your Particular Subject - Marilyn Leask and David Litchfield
- Whole-school Approaches: Integrating ICT across the Curriculum - Marilyn Leask and Lawrence Williams
- Building Online Professional Development Communities for Schools, Professional Associations or LEAs - Christina Preston
- Using ICT for Professional Purposes - Graham Warner
- Linking School with Home Use - Norbert Pachler
Published May 1999 by Routledge, £14.99
To obtain your copy call +44 (0)8700 768853 or email: orders at