These projects took place in the past. Readers may find the content interesting, so we have left the pages on the site. Although the projects are officially over, their outcomes continue to influence much of the work we undertake. In addition, our 'Teacher Zone' space on has been combined with the US-based 'Teacher Lounge' and is now called 'Teacher Zone'! Registered users can find this area either via the link on our area, or via the World page under 'Professional Development'.
This study group is looking at the opportunities for learning community based software provides, looking both at the academic learning outcomes traditionally valued in classrooms, but also at the opportunities for other sorts of learning that can take place.
As with any project of this size and complexity, there are a range of factors that influence the learning tasks that teachers have attempted using As a result, there is a panoply of different experiences and different uses to which the software has been put.
As a result many of the interesting outcomes from the learning tasks results in anecdote and example rather than replicable research finding. What is clear though, is that the community leaders are involved in a creative process of inventing and exploring new approaches that the software affords.
Some of the schools are also in the process of using as a catalyst in re-adjusting the learning ethos and the social structures within the school and towards the community. The challenge of presenting secure research findings in these circumstances should not be underestimated.