and see us on Stand S97 Grand Hall Gallery
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MirandaNet Meeting at BETT07:
Thursday 11th January, 12.30pm, at the MirandaNet Stand (S97 Grand Hall
Learning to Be: Social Software: Young People's Web Communities
A meeting about starting a MirandaNet working group in 2007
Web2 affordances are part of young people's lives. The ICT they encounter
in educational contexts fails to reflect their leisure use of electronic
communications media. Extra-curricular ICT use is leaking into classrooms,
and the ripples are beginning to worry teachers and school leaders. School
ICT use can no longer be thought of as a walled garden, in which young people
can be insulated and isolated from outside influences. Is it only the teachers
who are unaware of the world outside?
Following on from our online discussion, in this informal forum members will explore some of the issues with young people's ICT use, their web communities and the social software that enables young people to create their own worlds - and sense of identity.
Members will discuss strategies for schools and their young people to work creatively and effectively with communications technologies, and gather evidence to inform policy makers and schools in their practice. We will also be looking for funding sources to begin a working party in 2007.
BETT Contact details
- Stand S97 Grand Hall Gallery
- Christina Preston: 07801 336 048
- Maria Causon
Christina Preston and other members of the MirandaNet Team will be available for meetings during the Show. You can book a meeting with Christina or other members of the the team by following this link.