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There is an email link at the bottom of the page if you prefer to contact us by email.

Contact Form

MirandaNet, 10, Manor Way, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 7BQ


A note about MirandaNet and Web Standards

All pages on the main MirandaNet site should meet the W3C Standards for CSS and HTML. In addition, we have striven to meet accessibility standards of at least 'Section 508', and ideally WCAG 1.0 Priority 3 or AAA standards. Some MirandaNet pages, including the index, diary and news pages and the members' profiles, are interactive and can have items posted on them by members who may not be fully aware of these standards, and thus we cannot guarantee that all pages fully meet our goals. If you spot any errors, or have any comments to make on the accessibility of the site, please get in touch with us using the Contact MirandaNet links below.

Valid CSS! | Valid HTML 4.01 Strict | Cynthia Tested!

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