Etopia - Mapping the World WE Want
Etopia | Friesland Workshop | Prague Workshop | WWW Workshop | Etopia E-Journal | World Ecitizens
to this Project
Some of the MirandaNetters decided that it was time for some positive action in the face of such depressing international news about war and division.
We drew the idea from the Modernists. After the First World War, these artists, writers, architects, politicians and many other professionals developed designs for a cleaner, fairer and happier world. Walter Gropius justified this new Modernist philosophy in 1919 in words that have some resonance today:
Today’s artist lives in an era of dissolution without guidance. The old forms are in ruins, the benumbed world is shaken up, the old human spirit is invalidated and in flux towards a new form. We float in space and cannot perceive the new order.
So we have come up with our Etopia project in which MirandaNetters can participate in building a vision for a better integrated world both online and at international face to face workshops.
What Works Where? Workshop London 12th - 14th March 2008
Innovative models of ICT CPD programmes for teachers:
the view from the UK, the US and Eastern Europe.
The most recent event in the Etopia project was this free workshop in London. In preparation for this we began to build a bank of resources (many useful items are only available to logged-in MirandaNet members), and to develop the Etopia Ejournal
Workshop Thursday 15th to Saturday 17th February 2007, Prague
Our second Etopia event was a face to face workshop called :
Towards personalised learning: implementing the philosophy
A CPD event examining the role of ICT in building partnership projects
We had our first MirandaNet workshop in Prague in 1997 so ten years after it seemed a good idea to repeat this success. If you do not work in the UK it might be a good idea to see if the British Council in your country might fund you to come.
- Drew Buddie's Report on the Prague Workshop
- View a display of photos from the Workshop
- Read the Guardian Newspaper report on this Workshop
- Read a summary of the ICT and Strategic Concerns debate
The role ICT can play in improving collaborative learning and speaking and listening skills
This was the first event in the Etopia project: a workshop in Friesland in The Netherlands, which took place in September 2006.
- Dughall McCormick's Report on the Friesland Workshop
- Oh Brave New World: Christina Preston's introduction to IT in Education