What Works Where? Workshop
Etopia | Workshop | Programme | Resources | Past | Present | Future | Etopia E-Journal | World Ecitizens
Participants in the What Works Where? (WWW) conference are all asked to study the Timeline Chart (Word 95K) which provides the unifying framework for the collection of participant data at the workshop.
- Timeline Chart (Word 95K)
THE PAST : A brave new world beginning
Stage One: 1956 – 2007 MirandaNet research into the first fifty
years of computers in learning.
The papers in the Past section summarise the history of our evidence-based approach to building the MirandaNet model of ICT CPD. These will be interesting to those who have a deep interest in ICT CPD especially those who are academics or currently taking a course of academic studies.
THE PRESENT : World Ecitizens
Stage Two: 2008
Selected publications that are essential reading for full participation in
the WWW workshop publication which will be presenting new knowledge built collaboratively.
The papers in the Present section about building Etopia in ICT CPD and about braided learning are essential reading. Some are in draft and your comments will be valuable in the final writing. The core text is Building Etopia here which is a draft of the suggested text for our workshop publication.
THE FUTURE : Building Etopia
ourselves – a global e-community
of practice
Stage Three: March 12th – 13th 2008 What Works Where?
The empty stage… publications to be built at the WWW workshop.
The Future:Etopia is the title of the MirandaNet Etopia Ejournal mirandanet.org.uk/ejournal where participants in the WWW workshop will be posting their ideas. If you are not a member you can join the MirandaNet free on the website and then register for membership of this Etopian volume of the ejournal. This means you can also engage in the debates in the forums and post your own case studies and stories in the ejournal volume.
The resources and the chronological framework to be used in the workshop where policy and practice in ICT CPD is explored, where teachers tell their stories about learning: podcasts from the workshop and new papers that are stimulated by this activity.
March 14th : A visit to Barnfield Academy, Luton, London, UK. How does a city school meet the challenges of ICT CPD?
Podcasts, photos and interviews with the US and Czech teachers and children’s work on World Ecitizens website.