What Works Where Workshop
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- 14th March 2008
Innovative models of ICT CPD programmes for teachers:
the view from the
UK, the US and Eastern Europe.
A two-day free ICT CPD workshop
12th 13th March 2008 (optional school visits on Friday March 14th )
WLE centre, Institute of Education (IOE), University of London,
20 Bedford Way, WCIH 0AL
Time table
10:30am - 5:00pm 12th March including lunch and supper at 6:30pm
9:30am - 4:00pm 13th March including lunch
Optional London school visit on the 14th March
Summary of the activity
This international policy-orientated workshop focuses on the complexities
of change in classrooms and on the designs for programmes about digital
technologies that will support teachers as they manage these changes. The
first aim is to investigate existing global models and plan for the future
of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Information and Communications
Technology (ICT). The second aim is to explore which learning experiences
are most effective for teachers and which ones are counterproductive. A
key aspect of the workshop is the opportunity for all participants to tell
the story of their own learning journey in mastering digital technologies.
All participants are invited to contribute to a publication about ICT CPD
experiences in an international context.
The range of the topic is wide and multifaceted so there are six overarching themes:
- the relationship between theory, pedagogy and learning;
- the relationship between work, learning and professional practice;
- the relationship between pedagogy, assessment and learning;
- the role of e-communities of practice in teachers ’ learning:
- cultural, national and professional diversity in ICT CPD programmes.
Who will gain from the workshop?
The participants in this two-day ICT CPD workshop are expected to be policy
makers, teacher educators and advisers, teachers, senior managers, students
at the IOE and key commercial and university ICT training and CPD providers.
This audience will be invited to engage in the thinking and contribute
to the collaborative insights that emerge from a discussion of the evidence.
We plan a web publication after this event that will include contributions
from all attendees who have insights to offer. Applicants who register
for the workshop will be given access to pre-reading research materials
that outline what the speakers have discovered so far about ICT CPD in
Eastern Europe, the US and the UK. Those who cannot attend but who wish
to contribute to the publications can also register to access the website.
As part of this ICT CPD experience schools are invited to set up cross
cultural exchanges between the participants and join the an optional visit
to a London school on the 14th March,
The workshop programme
There will be two key subject areas discussed in this workshop;
international, national, regional and local policy foci in ICT CPD and
the experiences of teachers in ICT CPD programmes. The participants will
be expected to contribute to discussions both about the background to ICT
CPD provision and about the critical incidents that have most influenced
them in developing digital confidence and competence. These sessions will
be based on a chronological framework devised by MirandaNet Fellows that
links the progress of individual learning with the stages that a learning
community goes through, At the end of the second day the participants will
be invited to come to some conclusions about What Works Where which will
contribute to joint publications.
Day One – 10-00 am – 5:00pm
10:00 Refreshments and introductions
10:30 – 12:00 Workshop One : ICT CPD in England
Christina Preston, John Cuthell, MirandaNet Fellowship. Allison Allen,
Naace. Mark Bennison, Associate Principal at Barnfield South Academy (BSF),
Luton. Rachel Jones and Matthew Pearson, Steljes Learning Advisors.
12:00 – 1:30pm
Workshop Two: ICT CPD in the Czech Republic
Bozena Mannova, Czech Technical University, Prague, Mirka Cernochova, Charles
University, Prague with Lenka Zerzanova, a primary teacher at Arabska Primary
School in Prague.
1:30 -2:30pm Lunch
2:30 – 5:00pm : Workshop Three: Telling Stories
The participants will be invited to relate their experiences in ICT CPD
within a chronological framework that will be provided.
Buffet supper at the Institute of Education from 6:30 pm.
Day Two : 9:30 – 11:00
Work shop four: work-based research in ICT CPD
Caroline Daly, Jon Pickering, and Norbert Pachler, WLE, David Townsend,
Greensward School, Hockley, Essex. Tessa Ware, Alexandra Park School, Haringey.
11:15 – 12:45
Workshop five: Global ICT CPD programmes with a focus on the US
Niki Davis, Iowa State University, US, with practising teacher, Tamara
Gatrost, High School Language Arts Teacher, Missouri Valley, IA.
Lunch 12:45 – 1:30pm.
1:30 – 2:30pm Workshop six: Telling Stories
The participants will be invited to relate their experiences in ICT CPD
within a chronological framework that will be provided.
2:45 – 4:00 Plenary: What Works Where?
In this session the participants will begin a group analysis of the material
that has been presented to provide some strategies for the future. These
strategies will be further discussed in the MirandaNet Etopia ejournal
after the workshop. This e-journal will be the place where the participants
draft agreed publications that emerge from this workshop.
Participants will be asked for permission to capture their contributions in a podcast, All contributors will be invited to author an e-book during 2008/2009 based on the ideas generated by the seminar. Those who wish to set up exchange programmes to test the ideas that emerge will be assisted in this enterprise during 2008/2009.
WLE in Partnership with the MirandaNet Fellowship and Steljes- Logos
Places are limited. For more information or to register for this event, please contact Manos:
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