
What Works Where? Workshop

Etopia | Workshop | Programme | Resources | Past | Present | Future | Etopia E-Journal | World Ecitizens

Etopia (Click to see full size image)THE FUTURE : Building Etopia ourselves – a global e-community of practice

Stage Three: March 12th – 13th 2008 What Works Where?

The empty stage… publications to be built at the WWW workshop

March 12th and 13th
The resources and the chronological framework to be used in the workshop where policy and practice in ICT CPD is explored, where teachers tell their stories about learning: podcasts from the workshop and new papers that are stimulated by this activity.

March 14th : A visit to Barnfield Academy, Luton, London, UK.
How does a city school meet the challenges of ICT CPD?

Podcasts, photos and interviews with the US and Czech teachers and children’s work on World Ecitizens website.

[Future:Etopia - the Etopia e-journal]

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