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to MirandaMods
In this section of the site you will find all the details of MirandaMods past, present and future. Many of the links will take you to detailed feedback from the meetings including several with video clips.
You don't know what a MirandaMod is? There's an explanation further down this page.
The second and third sessions in our 2011 - 2012 series will take place on the Bedford Campus of the University of Bedfordshire on March 1st 2012 and May 3rd 2012. Full details here ...
at BETT12
We had a full set of MirandaMods at this year's BETT Exhibition, held in partnership with Achievement for All and the University of Bedfordshire, under the generic title of Achievement for All Live Workshops.
You can find see numerous resources and feeds from this series by going to the MirandaMod Wiki.
MirandaNet Fellow Theo Kuechel has kindly added a MirandaNet group to the photo-sharing site flickr. Theo says:
We welcome all contributions related to MirandaNet and invite you to share your photos and short videos. Examples would be MirandaMods, Conferences, and trips and images relating to MirandaNet Research. We always encourage the use of a Creative Commons Licence wherever possible, and always include the MirandaNet tag, please.
The Future of Learning: Shift 2
Many advocates of e-learning express frustration with politicians and public servants who "don’t get" the potential of digital technologies to transform educational opportunities through professional innovation. This comes despite a growing body of evidence from many projects over many years. Now it is time for MirandaNet members to publish what they think.
Historically Mod comes from the Gaelic word for a gathering, assembly or parliament.*
Image credit Steve Cadman CCLicence Flickr
It is always free to attend a MirandaMod (and you will be fed and watered)
There will be a Wifi connection, so please bring your laptops etc
Some Background
* Borrowing its name from the MirandaNet community and the Gaelic word for a 'gathering or assembly', MirandaMod acknowledges its indebtedness to other unconferences, especially Teachmeet, under whose banner the original MirandaNet unconference was going to fly. However, organisational considerations mean that MirandaMod has to meet a different set of criteria to Teachmeet. We see MirandaMod as an addition, rather than a competitor, to Teachmeet in the educational unconference world, and it is more than likely that members of the MirandaMod community will be involved with Teachmeet events and vice versa.