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All MirandaNet Diary Items still in the Database
Listed from the future and back into the distant past.
July 4th 2015
Digital Futures: Shaping tomorrow's learning and teaching
Digital Futures:
Shaping tomorrow's learning and teaching
ITTE National conference - Saturday July 4th 2015
Deadline for paper submissions June 12th
Christina Preston and Sarah Younie, MirandaNet Fellows, will be speaking on:
Getting Published: MirandaNet Knowledge Hub.
Marilyn Leask, MirandaNet fellow, will be speaking on:
The Power of Teacher Research
At £20 this is perhaps the conference bargain of the summer being subsidised by ITTE This year they are also offering a Pecha Kucha presentation format (basically a TeachMeet). Please see the web pages for more details including how to submit a conference contribution and how to book through EventBrite. A menu of options is available on the left hand side of the page.
£20 only
Regent High School
Chalton Street, London NW1 1RX
July 4th 2015
London Knowledge Lab, Friday 5th June, 2015
“What the Research Says”
What the research says
London Knowledge Lab
29 Emerald Street, London WC1N 3QS
June 5th 2015
Slovenia, 28th - 30th May 2015
Joint International Conference
Joint International Conference
Managing Sustainable Growth
Organised by University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia
Professor Christina Preston and Dr Sarah Younie
Taking the Tablets Transforming teaching, liberating learners and engaging the community
Innovations in technology that enhance teaching and learning
Congress Centre Bernardin www.bernardingroup.si/en/, Portorož, Slovenia.
28th - 30th May 2015
30th April 2015
Forest School ICT Conference
Professor Christina Preston will be speaking on e-learning strategies at the Forest School conference on 30th April that is aimed at school leadership/ those responsible for formulating information/digital strategy for whole school and e-learning/teaching & learning. We hope to see you there. You can book here:
23rd - 26th April 2015
Innovation in Education Conference
Dr Sarah Younie will be speaking on MOOCs at 13th International Colloquium on Innovation in Education: Personalisation: Who Do You Think You Are? Brescia, Italy
MirandaNet Research Strand at the Naace Strategic Conference 25th - 26th March 2015
“Failing to Succeed”
Naace Strategic Conference 25th - 26th March 2015
'Failing to Succeed'
Failure is the first step to success, and with a growth mindset ALL can succeed.
Theo Keuchel, Christina Preston and Sarah Younie, MirandaNet members speaking.
London Knowledge Lab, Tuesday 3rd-4th July, 2015
“Visions of the digital future in education”
NB: This event will probably not take place!
Workshop: “Visions of the digital future in education: Demystifying the Digital Triptych”
This event will be at the London Knowledge Lab (www.lkl.ac.uk) , on July 3rd and 4th, 2015.
London Knowledge Lab, Tuesday 24th February, 2015
Workshop: "Towards tomorrow's successful digital citizens"
A policy think tank that moves beyond digital literacy and coding
London Knowledge Lab, Tuesday 24th February, 2015
MirandaNet, IFIT, ITTE and International Baccalaureate in partnership
In the coming years we need to move beyond digital literacy and coding. Instead, we need to consider how to introduce young people to the kind of digital wisdom that will enable them to be successful citizens in tomorrow’s constantly evolving digital landscape.
The four organisers of this event, and the organisations to which they belong, share a common interest about how we could seek to develop tomorrow's successful digital citizens. The day will involve a series of short presentations, discussions and panels. It is also anticipated that some attendees may be able to join online.
Thursday 22nd January 2015
MirandaNet at BETT15 21-24 January
Once again, MirandaNet will be at BETT15, Excel Centre, London, 21 - 24 January 2015.
MirandaNet Fellows are involved in two seminars at BETT on Thursday 22nd January.
Behaviour change: Creating a community to encourage educators to adopt technology and change their pedagogy
Theatre: Tech in HE
When: 10:30 - 11:15,Thursday 22 Jan 2015
Hear from our experts:
- Supporting staff as technology changes pedagogy- providing digital skills training and building a local culture around e-learning
- How they have motivated...
Chairperson: Tim Marshall, CEO, Jiscom (Jisc Commercial Limited)
David Walker, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning, University of Sussex
Gavin Brooks, Chair of Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy Group / Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Reading
Margaret Cox OBE, Professor of Information Technology in Education, King's College London, Senior MirandaNet Fellow
Kevin Morton, Senior Lecturer, University of Brighton
Jaya Kannan, Director of Digital Learning
The FUTURES debate-Bring your own device.
Theatre: Bett Futures
When 15:50 - 16:50, Thursday 22 Jan 2015
Bring your own device continues to be one of the most debated and controversial topics in the world of edtech. Love it or hate it,...
Chairperson: Ty Goddard, Co-Founder, The Education Foundation
Kate Broadribb, Senior Leader of Learning, Wildern High School
Fraser Speirs, Head of Computing and IT, Cedars School of Excellence
Roger Broadie, Pioneer of BYOD, Naace, MirandaNet Fellow
BETT15 is at the Excel Centre in East London.
Travel details are here.
Wednesday 21st January 2015
MirandaNet at BETT15 21-24 January
Once again, MirandaNet will be at BETT15, Excel Centre, London, 21 - 24 January 2015.
MirandaNet will be doing two seminars at BETT on Wednesday 21st January.
Free professional development in ICT
Date: Wednesday 21st January
Time: 10:00 – 10:45
Location: Schools Learn Live: Primary and Secondary theatre
At this session MirandaNet Fellows will explain how school leaders and teachers can make the most of opportunities for professional development through the free services.
Dr Sarah Younie , Reader in Education, Innovation & Technology De Montfort University, MirandaNet Director of Research,
Dr Patricia Charlton, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education , MirandaNet Senior Fellow
MirandaNet Senior Fellow, Christina Preston Professor of Education Innovation, MirandaNet Fellowship Founder.
The benefits for ICT teachers in joining a MOOC:
Date: Wednesday 21st January
Time: 11:30 – 12:15
Location: Learn Live: HE Learning Value and the Future Workforce FE
At this session MirandaNet Fellows will talk about their partnership with EU colleagues from Catalonia, Greece, Slovenia and The Netherlands in designing a MOOC.
Dr Sarah Younie , Reader in Education, Innovation & Technology De Montfort University, MirandaNet Director of Research,
Dr Patricia Charlton, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, MirandaNet Senior Fellow,
Christina Preston Professor of Education Innovation, MirandaNet Fellowship Founder.
MirandaNet members are also involved in this item:
One term in: reviewing the new Computing Curriculum
Theatre: Schools Learn Live: Primary theatre
When: 16:00 - 16:45, Wednesday 21 Jan 2015
How are schools coping with the new Computing curriculum in England? What are the challenges, and how have they been, or could they be overcome?...
Chairperson: Terry Freedman, Independent Educational ICT Consultant, MirandaNet Fellow
Rachel Jones, Elearning coordinator, King Edward VI School
Dr Sarah Younie, Reader in Education, Innovation & Technology , De Montfort University & MirandaNet Director of Research
Tim Cross, Strategic Leader, Leigh Academies Trust
Ian Sillett, Education Advisor, onefourseven
BETT15 is at the Excel Centre in East London.
Travel details are here.
Friday 28th November 2014 1:30-4:00
What the Research Says Event: Designing a MOOC
MirandaNet are partners with the LKL in the 17th What the Research Says Event: Designing a MOOC
Where: London Knowledge Lab
Time: 1:30-4:00
When: Friday 28th November 2014
To sign-up: http://wtrs17.eventbrite.com?s=30859367
To find out more: www.lkldev.ioe.ac.uk/lklinnovation/designing-a-mooc
This is our 17th What the Research Says event. MOOCs are still very much the new kid on the block and are 'riding high the new wave' of education. Or are they? In this event we will be looking at what makes for a good MOOC design. What works well and why, and what doesn't work well and why? What are we learning when delivering or studying via large scale access to online learning experiences and how can the community for online learning design benefit? What is the thinking of designing online learning, both for formal and informal experiences? What is the critical thinking behind designing such experiences? What can help us think about the learning experience for
You will hear some initial results and evaluations and ideas from those who have delivered and are delivering learning experiences using open online learning context.
Starts 30th October 2014
Third International Learning Design Challenge: Move-It-Online
Please join us for our Third International Learning Design Challenge: Move-It-Online
Led by Professor Diana Laurillard from The London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education in collaboration with Building Community Knowledge, MirandaNet, Creative Digital Solutions and Hands-ON ICT project.
The Aim
Our 3rd online International Learning Design Challenge is about understanding the impact of taking teaching and learning activities online. We will provide ways of describing and planning effective teaching ideas, especially those that illustrate ‘pedagogically purposeful uses of technology for learning’. The Challenge is to transfer this to your own optimal way to move it online.
To sign up and find out more
- Sign up for the challenge: www.coursesites.com/s/_LDC
- Email: learningdesigercommunity@gmail.com
- Twitter: @LDtool
- Website: wp.me/P3EqBU-aI
The Challenge
Our Move-it Online challenge is to invite you to design and plan for the optimal use of learning technology in your own context, with the help of two new tools for teachers:
the Learning Designer, for designing, sharing and reviewing learning experiences that may be conventional, blended, or wholly online;
the Course Resource Appraisal Model (CRAM), for planning and estimating the learning benefits and teaching costs for a session or module, that may be conventional, blended, or wholly online.
Overview of the Schedule
Starts 30th October for introductions and starter packs with your plan for each week
Live online events from 1:00-1:45 pm (UK time): November 3rd, 10th, 17th,21st, 24th and December 1st
Live online discussion forums from 1 pm Thursday 13th November from 1:00 pm
Up to 4 open badges: Move-It-Online Designer, Move-It-Online Experimenter, Duo Move-It-Online and Move-It-Online Discussion Champion
We hope you can join us on our 'Move-It-Online' challenge.
Any questions/comments about the event email us or send a tweet.
Best wishes from the Learning Designs Team
Download a PDF file of this event
October 27th 2014
HandsOn ICT MOOC on October 27th 2014
MirandaNet are partners in the third pilot of the free EU Handson ICT MOOC ( Massive Online Open course). On the 27th of October we will launch the third edition of the Learning Design Studio for ICT-based Learning Activities MOOC. The course will last 5 weeks and a group of facilitators will support you in the task of designing your own learning activities and lessons. The course will be offered in six languages: English, Spanish, Catalan, Greek, Slovenian and French.
The features of the course are:
- A focus on the Learning Design Studio (LDS) approach, a design process to help educators design courses and learning activities.
- Facilitators from several countries with expertise in Online Learning, Creativity and the Learning Design Studio who will work with participants to explore the potential of this learning method to introduce ICT in the teaching and learning processes.
- The opportunity to observe, practice and learn with other educators about methods for peer review and peer mentoring.
- The creation of practical artefacts that can be reused by educators in their actual classrooms or learning scenarios
- The use of specific tools to support the process of learning design: ILDE, Learning Designer and ODS
Details of participation: http://handsonict.eu/join-the-mooc/
If you would like to take part to gain accreditation as a MOOC efacilitator follow this link: http://handsonict.eu/join-us/
26 September at the Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education 2014
What the Research Says Event: The Potential and Impact of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
MirandaNet is collaborating and supporting this event at the London Knowledge Lab on 26 September 2014 that follows up on a series that began in 2012 based on a short discussion document titled “Technology can help us learn faster, better, deeper …” So, where are we now in 2014? Perhaps there are more questions than answers but evidence is emerging showing us where the right kind of context of use of technology does illustrate impact on learning. But what is the right kind of context of use? Can this knowledge be shared?
If you cannot come to this event at LKL join us online as part of our MirandaNet Mod series for a "What the Research Says Event" for The Potential and Impact of TEL on Teaching and Learning.
Started on 26 September, comments still open
Your point of view matters. Deep learning and TEL: Do they have a future together?
Give your views by completing the survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7KGDYWQ
Comments online discussion and have your say if you prefer open discussion:
Details of the presenters are available at:
This what the research event explores, discusses and debates: how can teachers use old and new learning technology to drive learning innovation and discover what works and why? What is the potential and impact of technology on teaching and learning experience? What is the evidence that pedagogies using technology help us learn any better? What are students’ expectations of learning through technology? How might we facilitate students to reflect on the role of technology when learning?
MirandaNet will be debating the research they have done with IRIS Connect, LightSpeed and Groupcall in particular who will demonstrate their products along with BrainPop, Tablet Academy and EU Handson ICT.
The event will include more presentations, demos and discussions to exchange experiences of the challenges faced in education, and to test how well and where technology help teachers to discover and create innovative learning experiences. And what is the view of the students? Are they equipped to get the best out of this kind of learning?
What does the evidence tell us about the types of teaching and learning taking place?
What is “it” that makes a difference to classroom and online teaching learning?
What are students’ learning expectations from digital technology? What are teachers’ learning expectations of digital technology?
IFIP Conference July 1-4, Potsdam
IFIP Conference
The IFIP TC3 event Key Competencies in Informatics and ICT (KEYCIT 2014) provides a forum to present and to discuss research, case studies, positions, and national perspectives in this field.
Conference dates: July 1-4, 2014, Potsdam, Germany.
June 10th, 2014, London Knowledge Lab
June 10th, 2014, London Knowledge Lab
Of all cultural forms, the moving image is one of the most important in contemporary culture, and one of the most richly multimodal, combining visual design, language, music, dramatic action. The digital era has produced new forms and contexts, from Youtube to machinima. Multimodal analysis offers ways to account for all the modes in play in a given form or text, and the ways in which they work together, moving beyond conventional forms of film and television analysis which privilege filming and editing. This seminar will be of interest to students, educators, researchers and academics working with film, television and animation.
Contributors: Andrew Burn (IOE), Theo van Leeuwen (University of Southern Denmark), John Potter (IOE), Mark Reid (British Film Institute)
9.30 Registration and coffee
10.00 Keynote: Movement and Meaning: the Rise of Animation. Professor Theo van Leeuwen, University of Southern Denmark.
11.00 Coffee
11.30 Presentation: Machinima and the Kineikonic Mode. Professor Andrew Burn, Institute of Education
12.00 Group discussion task
1.00 Lunch
2.00 Presentation: Local or Universal Aesthetics? the Cinematheque Programme. Mark Reid, British Film Institute.
2.30 Presentation: Multimodal analysis and socio-cultural frames: case studies in learner video production. Dr John Potter, Institute of Education.
3.00 Group discussion task
4.00 End.
The event is £10: book on the MODE website: http://store.ioe.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=2&deptid=161&catid=35&prodid=206 – contact Rob Mitchell – r.mitchell@ioe.ac.uk
Croydon College 6 June 2014
Croydon Tech City
Jonny Rose: co-founder, Croydon Tech City
Nigel Dias: co-founder, Croydon Tech City
Andrew Collinge: assistant director, intelligence & analysis, Greater London Authority
Jonny Rose: co-founder, Croydon Tech City
Nigel Dias: co-founder, Croydon Tech City
1.30pm CROYDON – London’s Next Tech Hub
Cllr Toni Letts OBE: cabinet member for economic development, Croydon Council
Jo Negrini: director of development and environment, Croydon Council
Existing Croydon tech successes explain the lifestyle and business decisions which led them to choose ‘the Silicon Valley of the South’ for their enterprise.
Daryl Willcox: founder and chairman, DWPub
Matt Thomas: chief operating officer, Smarta
Neil Barnett: business development manager, ICUK
Skip Fidura: client services director, dotMailer
2.15pm PANEL DEBATE – Investment and Policy Options
What infrastructure does Croydon need to do to become a first choice for tech companies? And how can it build in capacity to cope with future demand as London’s digital centre moves south? A panel of experts discusses the issues from flexible offices to broadband as well as the challenges and opportunities created by clustering. Followed by Q&A.
Juliette Morgan: head of property, Tech City UK
Ed Siegle: principal consultant, Mott MacDonald
Andrew Campling: general manager, BT Group
Gary Ling: digital monetiser, traderSURE
Dharmesh Suraj Bali: partner scout and tech support manager, Orange
Jo Negrini: director of development and environment, Croydon Council
3.15pm PANEL DEBATE: Creating a Tech Culture
Can Croydon’s culture appeal to the digital community? A panel discusses what creates a Smart City. Followed by a Q&A
Skip Fidura: client services director, dotMailer
Cristiana Camisotti: founder, Silicon Milkroundabout
Gavin Poole: chief executive officer, Here East
Andrew Collinge: assistant director, intelligence & analysis, GLA
Julian Blake: editor, TechCity Insider
4.00pm PANEL DEBATE: Future Tech
Creating a pipeline of talent is critical to future success in the world of digital economics – so how can Croydon ensure it attracts and grows the best talent? Followed by a Q&A
John O’Donovan: chief technical officer, Financial Times
Dr Christina Preston: professor, Bedfordshire University
Laura Kirsop: managing director, Code Club
Rupert Whitehead: director relations regional lead, Google
Mark Martin: ICT Teacher, St Mark's Academy
Marc Roberts, principal and co-founder at Neutron Creations Ltd
Andrew Collinge: assistant director, intelligence & analysis, Greater London Authority
PUBLIC LECTURE June 4th, 5.30 pm, London Knowledge Lab
In the code kitchen: Meaning-making and multimodality in a 'learn to code' curriculum
PUBLIC LECTURE June 4th, 5.30 pm, London Knowledge Lab
In the code kitchen: Meaning-making and multimodality in a 'learn to code' curriculum
Dr Marion Walton, University of Cape Town
Schools around the world are under pressure to replace or supplement computer literacy classes with computer programming or 'coding'. At universities, even would-be journalists are admonished to "learn to code" if they want employment in a dismal job market. Given the importance of visual languages and media in coding curricula, there is surprisingly little research on what coding means for multimodal theory.
This may be because coding is like cooking. Most of the action happens in the gap between ingredients and cooked meal, and the process remains obscure to those who only see the end product. Understanding the role of multimodality in learning to code requires a look beyond the finished digital artefact. We need to make sense of the relationship between source code, software and the internal seams of digital media.
I present a low cost media literacy coding curriculum presented collaboratively with Bhavana Harrilal. We emphasised tangible programming, web-making, visual design, FOSS development processes, mobile compatibility and game design and development. This approach proved valuable not only for the design and production of a browser game but for the insights it provided into the representational and conceptual processes at work as young people took on apprentice roles as programmers and digital designers in our coding kitchen.
The event is free, but tickets need to be booked via the MODE website - http://store.ioe.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=2&deptid=161&catid=35&prodid=290 - or contact Rob Mitchell – r.mitchell@ioe.ac.uk
Course starting on 19 May 2014
Brush up your skills in learning design
MirandaNet is a partner in an EU project called HandsOn ICT with colleagues in Greece, Spain, Slovenia and The Netherlands. We learnt much from the first pilot and are keen to invite interested colleagues to the second pilot that starts on 19th May- Hope to see you online...Invitation follows...
We are looking for educators to participate in a free, open and online course (MOOC) that will help you reign your Learning with ICTs and Creativity
In the context of the HANDSON project we are offering a course for teachers in Higher Education, Vocational Education Training and Secondary Schools. It is a 5-weeks MOOC about Designing Learning with the use of digital tools and creativity techniques.
The features of the course are:
- An emphasis on collaborative working in small groups bringing together educators with wide and diverse backgrounds from around the world;
- A focus on the Learning Design Studio (LDS) approach, a design process to help educators design courses and learning activities.
- Facilitators with expertise in Online Learning, Creativity and the Learning Design Studio who will work with the pilot teachers to explore the potential of this learning method to introduce ICT in the teaching and learning processes.
- The opportunity to observe, practice and learn about methods for peer review and peer mentoring.
- The creation of practical artefacts that can be reused by the participants in their actual classrooms.
The main language of the course will be English: the learning materials and the communication with the facilitators will be in English. However teamwork can happen in any other language.
Start Date: 19/05/2014
End Date: 20/06/2014
Duration: 5 weeks
Expected dedication time: 2 to 6 hours / week
Educators who join this second pilot are not expected to have any particular expertise in online learning. We are looking for educators or teacher trainers from secondary education, vocational education or higher education.
How to join this course: Go to http://riga.uoc.es/moodle/ and register to the Design Studio course.
More information on: http://handsonict.eu
Notes about the HANDSON project and environment
The Hands-On ICT is a project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme. The project team has been exploring the value of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and Community Online Open Courses (COOCs) for the continuous professional development of educators. The aim is to create a holistic environment that provides teachers from higher education, vocational education and schools with everything they need to learn about making the right choice of digital tools for a given pedagogical activity.
You will find all this information here as well
28th April 1600-1830
MirandaMods programme 2014
CPD for teachers in digital technologies: how do we sustain supportive networks in pursuit of changes in ICT practice?
21-27 Lamb’s Conduit St
London WC1N 3BD
28th April 1600-1830
Google Tour here
MirandaMod: How to sustain projects after the initial funding
1600-1730 (MirandaMod: short presentations of about 3 mins)
- Adrian Hall – Operating in a new political paradigm
- Caroline Wright, BESA – Research and development in the UK education industry
- Graham Newell, Geoffrey Richard Howson, Vesna Belogaska-IRIS Connect – Challenges for companies seeking research and development funds
- Rachel Jones – the value of R&D projects for CPD in schools
- Ian Lynch – Ingots- Accreditation as a motivator
Funded Projects
- Israel Conejero Arto – The HandsonICT Project
- Diana Laurillard/Patricia Charlton – Learning Designer
- Marilyn Leask- MESH
- Using research and development methods to promote CPD with MirandaNet companies led by Sarah Younie with the MN associates: GroupCall, icould, Engage, LightSpeed, Steljes, Brain Pop, Tablet Academy, INGOTs…
1745-1830 Workshop
1.5 hour workshop aiming at a sustainability planning using a digital concept map to develop a plan led by Ian Lynch.
Mapping the route forward
- potential consortium topics for bidding
- appropriate bids and deadlines;
- potential bid leaders;
- actions;
- joining the EdComms web space.
Please bring your web-enabled devices to build the collaborative digital concept map of proceedings
1830 Networking dinner
Ciao Bella 86-90 Lamb’s Conduit St, Bloomsbury, WC1N 3LZ.
All workshop members will all pay individually for the dinner – from £15:00/£19:00 per head excluding drinks. Individual receipts can be supplied.
Read more about EU HandsOnICT project on the Blog
New MirandaMod technology
On April 28th, we will be using Omnijoin webinar technology for our MirandaMod. Developed by Brother, this will improve the flexibility and scope of what we are able to offer in terms of online meetings and videoconferencing.
Research groups from BETT14
- MOOCs: design, delivery and impact on the education industry ( EU HandsOn ICT);
- Mobile connections and the school culture; (Group Call and Tablet Academy);
- The value of games in learning (Yellow Spot and Brain Pop);
- The impact of web-based video on professional development and pupil behaviour (IRIS Connect);
- Using social media in careers advice (icould);
- Coding and the balance of the Computing Curriculum;
- World Ecitizens: teachers from around the world talking about their practice in digital technologies.
Thursday, 10 April 2014
What Works? Conference
What Works? International Publishers Association Conference at Ealrls Court Conference Centre, London. Christina Preston will be speaking during Session 4, The promise of technology and the need for quality content.
Saturday, 25th January 2014 from 11:30 to 12:30
World eCitizens: Reaching out to other learners
Worldecitizens is a MirandaNet charity that is dedicated to encouraging understanding between peoples and communities and sharing the fascinating diversity within nations and across the world. WE take responsibility for our actions and strive to make the world a better place. At this event teachers will be sharing their classroom techniques.
Literacy from Scratch
An innovative curriculum project about teaching coding devised by Lawrence Williams, Brunel University, and Dr Mirka Cernochova, assistant Dean of Education, Charles University in Prague. (See linked pdf file below).
Many Hands Make Light Work
Comenius project on volunteering, involving 2 UK secondary schools, a secondary school in Prague and a primary school in Poland. By Andrée Jordan from The Ravensbourne School – this year’s winner of the Secondary School of the Year Link2Learn Award.
International Research Group
Educators how joining this session will be invited to meet afterwards to help set up a practitioners’ research group to share teachers’ knowledge by publishing MESH pathways.
Please sign up here to attend
Friday, 24th January 2014 from 16:30 to 17:30
Computing Curriculum – Only Coding Matters?

Image Credit: Caseorganic CC BY NC
Learning Coding is now deemed a very important life skill, but what else do children and students need to know about digital technologies and computers?
Panel (confirmed to date)
- Mark Anderson: Director Digital Pedagogy, Sir Bernard Lovell School
- Miles Berry; Roehampton University
- Drew Buddie; ICT coordinator
- John Galloway; Independent consultant, MirandaNet Fellow
- Ian Lynch; TML/NAACE
- Dr Mary Webb, Kings College, University of London
This session will be chaired by Bob Harrison; Toshiba
Please sign up here to attend
Friday, 24th January 2014 from 14:30 to 15:30
Careers in the 21st Century

Image Credit: OpensourceWay CC BY
Can digital and social media help students choose a career wisely ?
- Jeffrey Defries; Founder, icould
- Susan Burke; Careers Adviser
- Tristram Hooley; Head of iCeGS, University of Derby
- Ian Lynch; TML/NAACE
- Martin Owen; Learning and Technology expert
This session will be chaired by Professor Christina Preston
Please sign up here to attend
Friday, 24th January 2014 from 12:00 to 13:00
Mobile Connections – Who’s in Charge?

Image Credit: MTSOfan : CC BY NC SA
How have mobile devices, network technology and internet access changed school culture and the balance between home and school?
- Stuart Abraham; Group Call
- Dr. Kevin Burden; University of Hull
- Karen Cameron; MSC MirandaNet Fellow
- Dylan Jones; Follett
- Jan Webb; Naace
- Mark Yorke/David Fuller; Tablet Academy
This session will be chaired by Dr Sarah Younie
Followed by a MirandaNet research group meeting on mobile devices
Please sign up here to attend
Thursday, 23 January 2014 from 16:00 to 17:00
HandsOn Project – Designing MOOCS
Panel (confirmed top date)
- Helen Cunningham;
- Carles Fernandez; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Helena Gillespie; Associate Dean, University of East Anglia
- Ian Lynch; Ingots.org
- Liam Sammon; OCR
- Dr. Michelle Selinger; Independent Consultant, ConsultEdu
The session will be chaired by Dr. Sarah Younie.
Thursday, 23 January 2014 from 12:00 to 13:30 BESA Stand No. C380
MESH - Disseminating Teachers Knowledge
What strategies will enable teachers to share current research findings in the way that doctors do? Has open content/access a role to play?
- Dr. Pete Bradshaw; Open University
- Dr. Kevin Burden; University of Hull
- Karen Cameron; MSC, MirandaNet Fellow
- Prof. Colin Harrison; University of Nottingham
- Theo Kuechel; MirandaNet Fellow
- Prof. Diana Laurillard; Institute of Education
- Prof. Marilyn Leask; University of Bedfordshire
- Prof. Carsten Maple; University of Bedfordshire
- Prof. Christina Preston; Founder MirandaNet
- Dr Sarah Younie; MirandaNet Fellow and University of Bedfordshire
The session will be chaired by Dominic Savage, Chair of British Education Suppliers Association.
Wednesday, 22 January 2014 from 16:30 to 17:30
Playing Games?

Image Credit: David Gilmour CC BY NC SA
Does gaming offer effective learning contexts?
Followed by a MirandaNet research group meeting on games based learning
- Simon Poole; Chester University
- Prof. Christina Preston; Founder MirandaNet
- Derek Robertson; University of Dundee
- Karolin Seraphin; Yellow Dot
- Dr Kari Stubbs; Vice President Learning and Innovation, BrainPop
- Dr Sarah Younie; University of Bedfordshire, MirandaNet Fellow
The session will be chaired by Terry Freedman
Followed by a MirandaNet research group meeting on games based learning
Please sign up here to attend
Wednesday, 22 January 2014 from 14:00 to 15:00
Professional use of Video for Learning

Image Credit: Smithsonian
How can we harness web-based the affordances of video to enhance learning for both teachers and students?
- Leon Cych; Director – Learn for Life
- Theo Kuechel; Consultant, Video for Learning, Mirandanet Fellow
- Nick Mitchell; Leeds Metropolitan University
- Graham Newell; Director – Iris Connect
- Lucy Turner; Brookes University
The session will be chaired by Prof. Christina Preston
Wednesday, 22 January 2014 from 12:00 to 13:00
MirandaMod: MOOCS for International CPD
How can teachers and educators maximise the benefits of MOOCs and quality assure them in international professional development contexts? This session is held under the auspices of the HandsOn project (www.handsonict.eu).
This will be followed by a MirandaNet action research group meeting on MOOCs for ICT CPD.
To Attend: Please Register Here
The MirandaMods will be streamed live using Google Hangouts on Air and recorded to YouTube for later viewing. Please note the programme may be subject to change. We will share the link to live video stream nearer the event.
MirandaNet at BETT14, 22-25 January 2014
MirandaMods and presentations in the MirandaNet Lounge, BETT14, Excel Centre, London 22nd - 25th January 2014. In association with the EU.
The BETT show (www.bettshow.com) is run by the i2i Events Group Limited. If you are interesting in hiring a stand for your own organisation, follow this link.
Keynote in Bury on 15 November 2013
Naace Keynote in Bury, UK
Keynote on research into how changes related to the “How the new Computing curriculum might impact on preparing students for life”.
In association with Naace.
Keynote in Nottingham 7 November 2013
Naace Keynote in Nottingham, UK
Keynote on research into how changes related to the “How the new Computing curriculum might impact on preparing students for life”.
In association with Naace.
Innovation Forum in Barcelona, 25-27 September 2013
Innovation Forum
Innovation Forum: European Foundation for Quality in Elearning (EFQUEL) http://eif.efquel.org/ September 25th - 27th Barcelona. In association with the EU.
Shenyang, China, 28-30 July 2013
Keynote, The development of IT courses with international partners - especially the design and implementation of the K-12 IT courses. Annual conference Committee of Information Technology Education in K-12, National Educational Technology Society, Shenyang, China, July 28th to July 30th 2013. In association with the EU.
Monday 8 July - Wednesday 10 July 2013
IT in Teacher Education (ITTE) UK Annual Conference
MirandaNet is working with ITTE on the programme for this conference where we would like more presentations from practitioners and developers.
Annual Conference
IT in Teacher Education (ITTE) UK
Monday 8 July - Wednesday 10 July 2013
Debates about the Role of Digital Technologies in Education
We warmly invite you to attend this conference, which follows the World Conference for Computers in Education in Poland (WCCE) July 2-5, 2013 (wcce2013.umk.pl).
The conference will be a great debating and networking event with plenty of opportunities for sharing ideas and meeting new partners. The conference is designed to provide opportunities to discuss and debate current issues and to report current and emerging practice. There will, for example, be workshops which are run as debates around current issues.
The MirandaMod will be on July 9th followed by a dinner on a river boat.
Keep in touch
We will be tweeting highlights of the themes and abstracts throughout the year as the conference programme unfolds to build up knowledge about ITTE and the conference, see #itteorg and #MMod
Invited Abstracts - Contribute a paper on the major challenges you see in the themes below.
The theme of the conference is ‘debates’ examining technology across five strands:
- Initial Teacher Education - current developments;
- Primary ICT: new curriculum and applications of ICT in the classroom;
- Secondary: the computer science curriculum, cross curricular applications and ICT application to other subjects;
- Whole school management issues: moving to the Cloud, Flipped classrooms, BYOT/BYOD etc;
- Formal and informal CPD: digital technologies and professional learning - opportunities and challenges.
Send 150 word abstracts to "Hramiak, Alison" <A.Hramiak@shu.ac.uk>. Deadline 1st June.
N.B. Christina Preston is on the committee reviewing these abstracts so if you are a MirandaNet member or a company associate and you are not sure about your topic or the style of an abstract email christina@mirandanet.ac.uk. We want to be as inclusive as possible so we are not only wanting academic papers but presentations of work in progress and ideas for other presentations we might not even have thought about!
The conference is at the
Radisson Park Inn Hotel Bedford in Bedfordshire UK
45 mins by train from London’s St Pancras station
20 mins by train from London Luton airport
Please register your attendance by using this booking form: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZXWPTH8
Workshops in Australia and New Zealand, March 2013
Re-engineering Education: a call for collective action
A series of Workshops to be held from Monday 18th March to Wednesday 27th March at the following locations in Australia and New Zealand.
- Monday 18th March: Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne, Australia
- Tuesday 19th March: Melbourne, Australia
- Wednesday 20th March: Wollongong, Australia
- Thursday 21st March: Sydney, Australia
- Friday 22nd March: Hamilton, New Zealand
- Monday 25th March: Brisbane, Australia
- Wednesday 27th March: University of Canterbury, Christchurch,
New Zealand
Each session will comprise three separate workshops as follows:
Workshop One: Opportunities for new academic practice using the EdComms environment (www.educationcommunities.org)*
For all staff: one hour
This workshop will focus on how academics are using online communities of practice environments to improve the significance and impact of their research. In the UK assessment of the quality of academic research to be carried out in 2013, new criteria have been introduced which relate to impact and reach of the research. *UK Research Excellence Framework Criteria for the 2013 research assessment exercise.
Workshop Two: MESH Mapping Educational Specialist knowHow - Ensuring school teaching is an evidence based profession
For education professionals: one hour
Ensuring school teaching is an evidence based profession - meeting the OECD challenge for effective knowledge management in school-based education.This workshop will focus on new ways of working and opportunities for international collaboration through MESH - The Mapping Educational Specialist knowHow project (www.meshguides.org)
Workshop Three: Join the Translational Research Community - experience writing a MESH map of your research or research you know of which needs translating into practice
For education professionals: one hour
Translating academic research reports into MESHGuides for learners, teachers, trainee teachers and policy makers can be relatively quick for those who have their research at their fingertips. At the end of this workshop, you will have the top level structure for a MESHGuide in a specialist area. Groups of educators wishing to work on an area of common interest are welcome. If you don’t have research of your own, then if you bring a major research
report which has influenced you you will be able to turn it in to a MESHGuide.
We welcome developers of MESHGuides which focus on threshold or troublesome concepts, on areas which give learners most difficulty and on areas which are most likely to make a difference to student attainment.
Read more about these programmes here: www.mirandanet.ac.uk/researchexchange/articles/3223-2/
And another piece here: www.mirandanet.ac.uk/researchexchange/about-the-team/education-communities/
Marilyn Leask
Professor of Knowledge Management
University of Bedfordshire
MirandaNet Fellowship
Christina Preston
Professor of Educational Innovation
University of Bedfordshire
MirandaNet Fellowship
Manchester 9th March 11:30-12:30
MirandaMod Workshop at the Education Innovation Conference
MirandaMod Workshop
Collaborative Learning Online
Professional development that embraces digital innovations in learning
This workshop is being held as part of the Education Innovation Conference and Exhibition in Manchester Central, 8-9 March 2013
A MirandaMod workshop (http://www.mirandanet.ac.uk/mirandamods/) led by the MirandaNet Fellowship, in Central 8 Seminar Room
In this workshop we will work with teachers to explore the value of three different ways of digital learning, helping them to understand what is possible in the world that most pupils already inhabit.
These three approaches have been developed over three decades by teachers and researchers who are members of the MirandaNet Fellowship, a professional organisation that focuses on the value of innovative technologies in teaching and learning.
- Informal collaborative learning online: Dr Christina Preston, Professor of Educational Innovation, MirandaNet Fellowship and University of Bedfordshire;
- Twitter as creative social activity in professional learning: Dr Matthew Pearson, MirandaNet Fellowship;
- The Creative and Innovative use of the Visual in Learning: Theo Kuechel, Senior Fellow, MirandaNet Fellowship.
During the session we will work with participants to begin building an online collaborative concept map, capturing information on these topics on which professionals can build.
- Education Innovation Home Page
- Education Innovation Events (MirandaMod is lower right)
- Register for this MirandaMod (This link will also register you for the show)
With support from:
MirandaNet at BETT 30th January - 2nd February 2013
Exploring Education Futures
MirandaNet will run the next event in the Exploring Education Futures be at Excel in London
North Gallery Room 15 from January 30th to February 2nd at BETT2013 (www.bettshow.com).
Draft programme details (www.mirandanet.ac.uk/researchexchange/events-2/exploring-education-futures/)
Test Item
Test Item
Cosí fan tuttè
Should work in Japanese and Chinese and Russian without having to twiddle anything. Like these extracts from Wikipedia:
which would usually be written as 繋がって or つながって. The word 接続, meaning "connection"
Chinese characters used purely for their sound values are attested in the Chun Qiu 春秋 and Zhan Guo 戰國 manuscripts, in which zhi 氏 was used to write shi 是 and vice versa, just lines apart; the same happened with shao 勺 for Zhao 趙, with the characters in question being homophonous or nearly homophonous at the time.
"А(в)се буквы ведая глаголить – добро есть. Живет зло (на) земле вечно и каждому людину мыслить надо о покаянии, речью (и) словом твердить учение веры Христовой (в) Царствие Божие, чаще шептать, щтоб (все буквы) (вз)ятием этим усвоить и по законам божьим стремиться писать слова и жить"
5th, 6th and 7th November 2012
Exploring Educational Futures
Exploring Educational Futures
Linking Digital Technologies, grassroots practice and the making of policy
Key speakers: Vanessa Pittard, Department for Education, UK, Dominic Savage, BESA.
MirandaNet conference in Bedford.
Email Professor Preston about participating as a speaker in the programme: christina@mirandanet.ac.uk.
More information and sign up form...
Wednesday October 24, 2012 16.00-17.30
Technology Mediated Learning Research Seminar King's College London
Technology Mediated Learning Research Seminar King's College London
Wednesday October 24, 2012, 16.00-17.30
Tea and coffee at 15.45
Room B6, Franklin-Wilkins Building WBW
Making Your Research Count - using Web 2.0: the Education Communities platform
Dr Marilyn Leask, Professor of Educational Knowledge Management, and Dr Christina Preston, Professor of Educational Innovation, University of Bedfordshire
Pilot research (2010-2012) involving nearly a thousand academics and their partners from over 100 institutions in more than 20 countries has developed and evaluated the use of Web 2.0 tools for research communities using EdComms. This seminar will explore the needs of research communities for online interaction, the opportunities provided by platforms like EdComms and the ongoing challenges. Examples which emerged from the pilot are:
- project management for research projects which include partners from other institutions
- collaborating with others on writing books and reports
- managing bid writing with a group of national and international colleagues
- networking with research users to increase impact of research
- networking with students once they graduate
- to support working and special interest groups within professional associations
- building a community of enquiry around a topic
- creating a community to keep in touch with people with similar interests who have come together at a conference so that they can continue to work together
- working online with people outside the organisation – employers, work placement staff, experts
King's has subscribed to the EdComms Web 2.0 platform (www.educationcommunities.org). All King's staff are also invited to a workshop / demonstration of the software 13.00-14.00 or 1500-15.45 Room B6 Wednesday October 24 October. Bring your laptop.
To reserve a place at this seminar or workshops, please contact DEPS on deps@kcl.ac.uk.
19th September 2012
MirandaNet Networking Dinner
MirandaNet networking dinner
19th September from 1830.
Full details...
5th July 2012
ITTE MirandaMod
July 5th, St Anne College, Oxford, MirandaMod 1630 – 1730
June 6 - 9, 2012
MirandaNet International Workshop in Prague
MirandaNet International Workshop in Prague, June 6 - 9, 2012
"What does the 21st century teacher need to know about digital technologies, and why? And how will their prowess be assessed?"
May 5th 2012 starting at 16:30
MirandaMods 2012 Series
Assessing the value of physical and virtual spaces in enriching learning
Part One 1630
Looking into space: Chris Yapp
Learning in Space: Nusrat Faizullah
To ban, or not to ban? Social networking. : Leon Cych
Skills for virtual environments: developing e-facilitation skills: John Cuthell
Learning in games spaces: Donna Burton-Wilcock
Are Twitterers Twits? Virtual life in 140 characters: Matthew Pearson
School involved in global learning: Glenys Hart
Universities creating learning spaces for schools? Dicle Kortantamer
Copyright and web publishing: Theo Keuchel
Part Two 1830 Discussion
Into the liminal space: from social networking to collaborative knowledge creation
Discussion leaders: Marilyn Leask, Gareth Evans, John Cuthell, Andrea Raiker and Christina Preston
October 5th to October 7th 2009
Learning, Teaching & Mobile Computing
NB: Discount deadline 31st July
Learning, Teaching & Mobile Computing
The Handheld Learning Conference brings together more than 1,500 international delegates from the education, entertainment and electronics world to explore new ways of transforming learning. This year's headline speaker is Malcolm McLaren with many more exciting and inspiring speakers to be announced.
The conference lasts 3 days from Oct 5th to 7th with a series of major talks, breakout sessions, networking events and an awards party. More info at:
Monday 5th Oct 11:00 - 17:00 - Free day
Free entry for the general public, accompanied minors, teachers, employers.
Badge and delegate material collection for main conference delegates.
Exhibition with hands-on sessions.
Tuesday 6th October and Wednesday 7th October - MirandaNet discount
Early bird registration is £325 until July 31 saving £100 and you'll receive a FREE iPod touch.
In addition MirandaNet members and colleagues can receive a further 10% discount by using the code:
mirandanet (lowercase)
when you register online. But hurry, registrations must be in and paid for by July 31 in order to receive the iPod touch!
Note: On Monday 5th October there will be a On Monday there will be a MirandaMod:
Learning Outside the Walls. How do we use ubiquitous technologies?
Participants in this MirandaMod are invited to raise issues and discuss theory and practice about the use of ubiquitous technologies in informal learning, and the ways in which they can impact formal education.
29-30 June, 2009
MirandaNet is at IWB Conference
International conference June 2009
Møller Conference Centre, Cambridge, June 29-30, 2009
International Conference on Research into School Teaching and Learning with Whole Class Interactive Technologies - interactive whiteboards, visualisers, data projectors, tablet PCs, remote input devices, voting systems, etc.
Downloadable flyer summarising audience, aims and contact details:
John Cuthell Christina Preston
March 23 – 25 2009
MirandaNet at CAL '09
CAL ’09 Brighton
March 23 – 25 2009
The Computers and Learning (CAL) conference aims to evaluate the use of IT in education and the digital age, aimed at computer hardware and software manufacturers as well as IT teaching staff in Education.
This is a lively and stimulating biennial international conference. The theme is 'Learning in Digital Worlds'.
- Studying trajectories of exploration and development
- CAL/TEL in informal learning contexts
- Neuroscience and Technology Enhanced Learning
- New tools for interdisciplinary working
- Collective Learning in Digital Worlds: communication, collaboration and inclusion
- Dialogue
- Networks
- Digital inclusion
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Development
- Planning Learning in Digital Worlds: design, pedagogy and policy
- Teaching and learning: what, how, why?
- Mainstreaming technology integration
- Teacher education
- Policy and practice
- Personalisation
- Rethinking Learning in Digital Worlds: imagination, innovation, and investigation
- New perspectives
- Theoretical frameworks for research
- Multidisciplinary research
- Future directions
- Disruption and contradictions
- Sustainable Education vs Globalisation & Innovation
- Creativity and Technology Enhanced Learning
The call for papers, symposia and posters is now out, with the Abstract deadline 26 September 2008:
To learn more. please visit:
14th – 17th January 2009
MirandaNet at BETT09
Olympia London England 14th – 17th January 2009
Full information on our BETT09 pages
MirandaNetters John Cuthell Christina Preston among others will be making presentations at this Exhibition.
MirandaNet will be running some Mod Unconferences at BETT09. This means that those of you who cannot come to London will still be able to join in the debate. Look out for details on the BETT links on the site when they are published, and let Christina Preston know if you have a topic you want to suggest.
27th November 2008: 10:30am – 4:00pm
The PITRG - Pedagogy and Interactive Technology Research Group
The PITRG (which was the IWB Research Group) will be holding their next meeting at the WLE Centre, Institute of Education, 27th November 2008. This is a group of academics who meet regularly. If you would like to know more about the work of this group email Christina Preston.
20th October 2008
Young People, Mobile and Internet Technologies 2008
Young People, Mobile and Internet Technologies 2008 - Maximising Opportunities, Addressing Challenges at Richard Ley Development Centre, Swansea, Wales 20th October 2008
13th - 15th October 2008
CELDA 2008
IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2008) October 13th - 15th - Freiburg, Germany
http://www.celda-conf.org22nd - 25th September
MirandaNet at Concept Mapping Conference
Third International Conference on Concept Mapping
22nd - 25th September in Estonia and Finland.
Members of MirandaNet will be making presentations at this conference
9th - 11th September 2008
ALT-C 2008
ALT-C 2008: Rethinking the digital divide Leeds 9th - 11th September 08
Submission guidelines, including details of the conference "dimensions" are at http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc2008/papers.html.
3rd – 6th September 2008
MirandaNet at BERA 2008
BERA 2008 Annual Conference
Heriot Watt University 3rd – 6th September 2008
MirandaNetters Marilyn Leask, Sarah Younie, and Christina Preston will be presenting at this conference
Thursday July 10th, 2008 at the WLE Centre
Safe social networking in schools
WLE centre, Institute of Education, University of London 20 Bedford Way, WC1A 2AL
The MirandaNet Fellowship and World Ecitizens
A free workshop for advisers, teachers and student teachers to work collaboratively in discovering
- how social networks and Web 2.0 tools can be used safely in schools for e-learning
- how educational social networking can be embedded in a conventional National Curriculum to enhance outcomes.
Funded by the Oracle Foundation : travel bursaries available.
Followed by an 'unconference' - see separate item for further information.
Thursday 10th July 2008
MirandaMod unconference
MirandaNet are pleased to announce a new MirandaNet themed Unconference, MirandaMod. It is planned to hold these regularly at appropriate MirandaNet events and conferences.
This inaugural MirandaMod Unconference will give MirandaNet Members and guests an opportunity to share ideas about the use of technology for learning and to inspire others. This event should be exciting, stimulating and lots of fun and we look forward to seeing you there.
MirandaMod is an informal, yet slightly structured unconference of like-minded educationalists to share ideas about the ways in which technology can be used to inspire others.
There is no fee. The event is free.
Immediately after the formal World Ecitizens - Think.com project meeting. The UNconference is seen as a 'fringe' event to the the official more formal MirandaNet conference that precedes it.
To allow all who wish to, to spread the word to a wider audience about work they have been doing or how they have been inspired. Commercial presentations will not be discouraged but will be grouped together so the audience 'knows what it is getting'.
Membership of MirandaNet not necessary. The event is open to all who wish to attend: whether they be IoE students, MirandaNet Scholars, Fellows or Senior Fellows or any like-minded educationalists.
The event will be limited to 30 people, with priority being given to those attending the World Ecitizens/Think workshop.
Full details on the MirandaMod Page, and you can use this link to sign up.
Please (log in if you are already a wikispaces member or click join to create an account) then add your name - and any other relevant info blog, url etc - appropriate to list - also MirandaMod theme and title of talk (if speaking).
MirandaNet are grateful to Lanway Corporate Business Systems who are sponsoring this event.
10th - 12th July, Corfu
ICICTE Conference
International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE) 2008 Corfu 10th - 12th July
June 25th 2008 13:00 - 17:00
2008 Eiger Conference
Eiger - 2008 conference
June 25th. 13.00 - 17.00
Franklin Wilkins Building, Waterloo, London - Room FWB 2.81
13.00 – 13.30 Lunch - in FWB 2.45 (near the conference room)
13.30 – 13.35 Introduction - Margaret Cox - Chair of EIGER
13.35 – 14.35 Keynote presentation – “Influences on student learning and understanding at university” Noel Entwistle: University of Edinburgh
14.35 – 15.00 E-learning in medicine and psychiatry
Amandeep Cheema School of Medicine / Institute of Psychiatry King's College London
15.00 – 15.10 Refreshments
15.10 – 15.35 Spanish for medical students
Cecilia Trevino. Modern Languages Centre, King’s College London
15.35 – 16.00 Arabic pronunciation for beginners
Susanne Müller-Menckens.Modern Languages Centre, King’s College London
16.00 – 16.30 Visualising student learning: using digital technologies to externalise the development of personal understanding
David Hay. Institute for Learning and Teaching. King’s College London
16.30 - 17.00 Assessment for E-learning
Mary Webb. Department of Education and Professional Studies, King’s College London
Please let Tom Laws know if you are coming: Tom.Laws@kcl.ac.uk
12 - 13 March 2008
What Works Where?
ICT CPD programmes as a focus for change
in theory, policy and practice:
the view from the UK, the US and Eastern Europe.
A two-day free ICT CPD workshop
12th 13th March 2008
(optional school visits on Friday March 14th )
WLE centre, Institute of Education (IOE), University of London,
20 Bedford Way, WCIH 0AL
To gain the most from this Workshop, participants should study the full details and the resources and essential reading list available on the site.
Time table
10:30am - 5:00pm 12th March including lunch and supper at 6:30pm
9:30am - 4:00pm 13th March including lunch
Optional London school visit on the 14th March
Summary of the activity
This international policy-orientated workshop focuses on the complexities of change in classrooms and on the designs for programmes about digital technologies that will support teachers as they manage these changes. The first aim is to investigate existing global models and plan for the future of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The second aim is to explore which learning experiences are most effective for teachers and which ones are counter-productive. A key aspect of the workshop is the opportunity for all participants to tell the story of their own learning journey in mastering digital technologies. All participants are invited to contribute to a publication about ICT CPD experiences in an international context.
The range of the topic is wide and multifaceted so there are six overarching themes:
- the relationship between theory, pedagogy and learning;
- the relationship between work, learning and professional practice;
- the relationship between pedagogy, assessment and learning;
- the role of e-communities of practice in teachers’ learning:
- cultural, national and professional diversity in ICT CPD programmes.
Who will gain from the workshop?
The participants in this two-day ICT CPD workshop are expected to be policy makers, teacher educators and advisers, teachers, senior managers, students at the IOE and key commercial and university ICT training and CPD providers. This audience will be invited to engage in the thinking and contribute to the collaborative insights that emerge from a discussion of the evidence. We plan a web publication after this event that will include contributions from all attendees who have insights to offer. Applicants who register for the workshop will be given access to pre-reading research materials that outline what the speakers have discovered so far about ICT CPD in Eastern Europe, the US and the UK. Those who cannot attend but who wish to contribute to the publications can also register to access the website.
As part of this ICT CPD experience schools are invited to set up cross cultural exchanges between the participants and join the an optional visit to a London school on the 14th March,
The workshop programme
There will be two key subject areas discussed in this workshop;
international, national, regional and local policy foci in ICT CPD and the experiences of teachers in ICT CPD programmes. The participants will be expected to contribute to discussions both about the background to ICT CPD provision and about the critical incidents that have most influenced them in developing digital confidence and competence. These sessions will be based on a chronological framework devised by MirandaNet Fellows that links the progress of individual learning with the stages that a learning community goes through, At the end of the second day the participants will be invited to come to some conclusions about What Works Where which will contribute to joint publications.
Day One – 10-00 am – 5:00pm
10:00 Refreshments and introductions
10:30 – 12:00 Workshop One : ICT CPD in England
Christina Preston, John Cuthell, MirandaNet Fellowship. Allison Allen, Naace. Mark Bennison, Associate Principal at Barnfield South Academy (BSF), Luton. Rachel Jones and Matthew Pearson, Steljes Learning Advisors.
12:00 – 1:30pm
Workshop Two: ICT CPD in the Czech Republic
Bozena Mannova, Czech Technical University, Prague, Mirka Cernochova, Charles University, Prague with Lenka Zerzanova, a primary teacher at Arabska Primary School in Prague.
1:30 -2:30pm Lunch
2:30 – 5:00pm : Workshop Three: Telling Stories
The participants will be invited to relate their experiences in ICT CPD within a chronological framework that will be provided.
Buffet supper at the Institute of Education from 6:30 pm.
Day Two : 9:30 – 11:00
Work shop four: work-based research in ICT CPD
Caroline Daly, Jon Pickering, and Norbert Pachler, WLE, David Townsend, Greensward School, Hockley, Essex. Tessa Ware, Alexandra Park School, Haringey.
11:15 – 12:45
Workshop five: Global ICT CPD programmes with a focus on the US
Niki Davis, Iowa State University, US, with practising teacher, Tamara Gatrost, High School Language Arts Teacher, Missouri Valley, IA.
Lunch 12:45 – 1:30pm.
1:30 – 2:30pm Workshop six: Telling Stories
The participants will be invited to relate their experiences in ICT CPD within a chronological framework that will be provided.
2:45 – 4:00 Plenary: What Works Where?
In this session the participants will begin a group analysis of the material that has been presented to provide some strategies for the future. These strategies will be further discussed in the MirandaNet Etopia ejournal after the workshop. This e-journal will be the place where the participants draft agreed publications that emerge from this workshop.
Participants will be asked for permission to capture their contributions in a podcast, All contributors will be invited to author an e-book during 2008/2009 based on the ideas generated by the seminar. Those who wish to set up exchange programmes to test the ideas that emerge will be assisted in this enterprise during 2008/2009.
WLE in Partnership with the MirandaNet Fellowship and Steljes- Logos
Places are limited. For more information or to register for this event, please contact Manos:contact@WLEcentre.ac.uk
[download a PDF Version of this item]
[Further information and a resources list for participants]
29th February 2008
The Education Resources Awards
The Education Resources Awards highlight the quality and diversity of educational products and resources, excellent educational establishments and the most dedicated members of the teaching profession and supplies industry, all working together to encourage the very best in education.
Now in their tenth successful year, what makes these Awards really different is that they focus on the resources, services and people that really make a practical impact on learning and the day-to-day work of the teachers in the classroom.
The Awards are:
- Best Special Education Resource or Equipment - non ICT
- Best Special Education Resource or Equipment - involving ICT
- Best Early Years Resource or Equipment - non ICT
- Best Early Years Resource or Equipment - involving ICT
- Best Primary Resource or Equipment - non ICT
- Best Primary Resource or Equipment - involving ICT
- Best Secondary Resource or Equipment - non ICT
- Best Secondary Resource or Equipment - involving ICT
- Leadership in Education (in association with The National Association of Headteachers)
- Educational Establishment of the Year
- (in association with The National Association of Headteachers)
- Education Exporter of the Year (in association with UK Trade & Investment)
- Supplier of the Year: Companies with less than £1million annual turnover
- Supplier of the Year: Companies with between £1million and £3million annual turnover
- Supplier of the Year: Companies with over £3million annual turnover
- Innovation Award
- Outstanding Achievement Award
To find out more or to enter see www.educationresourcesawards.co.uk and www.besa.org.uk/era08
7th and 8th February 2008
Whiteboards and Visualisers
A two-day event at the WLE Centre, Institute of Education, London. Places are limited, so please apply to Manos Agianniotakis (e.agianniotakis@ioe.ac.uk).
Download a Programme and Bibliography (PDF format) for more information.
Monday 7 January 2008
Making IT work
A major pre-BETT 2008 International Conference
What can we learn about how interactive technologies can be implemented successfully in education?
Monday 7 January 2008
BERR Conference Centre, Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET
In association with BESA, British Council and UKTI and sponsored by Steljes, this exciting international ICT forum provides the opportunity to develop and exchange ideas between worldwide leading practitioners, industry experts and policy-makers. The conference will explore key issues concerned with implementing a variety on new technologies - from the perspectives of government, schools, teachers and industry. It will look at how many countries are dealing with implementation in their own way, to meet their personalised agendas.
The UK: Primary Perspectives
Brenda Bigland, CBE, Head teacher Lent Rise Primary School
The UK: Secondary Perspectives
Clare Johnson, ICT Programme Director, Secondary National Strategy for School Improvement
International Perspectives: Round-tables
A. Asia Pacific
B. Middle East and North Africa
C. Sub-Saharan Africa
D. South and Latin America
E. Europe and North America
Interactive Perspectives: Twenty-first century learning
Adrian Hall, Director of Hand-held Learning, Steljes
New Perspectives: Learning - the next 25 years
Richard Millwood, Director, Core Education UK
To find out more or to book your place see www.besa.org.uk/intconf08
Tuesday 11th December 2007 13.30 - 16.00
Innovating Learning and Assessment in Work-based Learning
11 December 2007 13.30 - 16.00pm
WLE Centre Institute of Education,
University of London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
The WLE centre invites all interested in work-based and professional learning to participate in a dissemination seminar based on a selection of projects carried out in and through the Centre.
The seminar, chaired by Prof Karen Evans, will provide an opportunity to hear about findings from three research and development activities, and to engage in discussion about implications for practice.
This event is the third in a series presenting findings from research and development projects funded by the WLE Centre. For further details about the individual projects, see the Centre website www.wlecentre.ac.uk.
Sai Loo: Digital recording and peer/tutor review as analytic tools for post-compulsory teacher observation
Tim Kent: Innovative assessment approaches for work-based learning and widening participation
Christina Preston and John Cuthell: The learning of ICT advisers responsible for school teachers’ ICT CPD
The speakers will present and discuss findings of their projects on aspects of innovation and development in work-based learning. In a concluding discussion, we will explore ways in which they can be used to inform policy and practice both within the Institute, and beyond in our associated organizations (employers, providers and professional bodies).
Places are limited. Lunch will be available in the WLE Centre from 13.00pm.
RSVP Sarah Gelcich ( s.gelcich@ioe.ac.uk )
- Download a PDF flier (246KB)
Thursday 6th December 6 - 8 pm
Video Research Methods Workshop
This is a MirandaNet Academy Activity
Thursday 6th December 6 - 8 pm
Bath Spa University
Newton Park, Room MHG15
This workshop will explore methods on how to draw valid qualitative evidence from video sources. There will be contributions from Steven Coombs (Bath Spa University), Mark Potts (Salisbury High School) and Jack Whitehead (Bath University).
Please register your attendance and obtain direction from the Bath Spa CPD Administrator. Refreshments will be provided.
Tel: 01225 875593
Email: cpdadmin@bathspa.ac.uk
August 14th 2007
Test Item - ignore
Test Item - ignore10-12 July, Oundle nr Peterborough
TSM Mathematics Teachers Workshop
My annual invitation to any Mirandanetters who would like to call in to Oundle (near Peterborough) to share some serious hands-on INSET going on for Mathematics teachers next month.
Any time Tuesday 10th July to Thursday 12th July Details on
Just let me know if you are coming and I will lay on a meal and a warm welcome.Unusually at this stage there are just a few places remaining, so please do pass the word to your mathematicians! A perfect opportunity for them to update their IT skills.
Douglas Butler
Leicester 11 - 13 July
ITTE annual conference
You are warmly invited to the ITTE annual conference entitled ‘Technology Enhanced Learning?' hosted in Leicester 11 to 13 July.The highlights include keynotes from Neil Mercer and Lyn Dawes from Cambridge University, Tim Tarrant from the TDA on their current agenda and Jean Underwood from Nottingham Trent University on her latest Becta research.
The conference is at Leicester University's brand new all purpose conference suite in the leafy suburbs by the botanical gardens. Other attractions include a tour of the botanical gardens, nearby real ale brewery, as well as our usual formal dinner, which this year will be followed by a barn dance with live music.
There is still time to apply and spaces for papers and workshops. We welcome practitioner based demonstrations, project sessions sharing best practice from ourselves, school based mentors and practising teachers with whom you are currently working with.
To book online today, just follow the link below.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it to sunny Leicester.
With best wishes
Sarah Younie and Pete Bradshaw
ITTE Conference Committee
Monday 2 July 16.00 - 18.00
Multimodal Concept Mapping and Visual Learning
Christina Preston, MirandaNet; John Ralston and Deidre Cook, Open University; Nigel Riley, Plymouth University
Chair: Christina Howell Richardson, Plymouth University
This seminar, funded by Inspiration and to be held at the WLE Centre, Institute of Education, London, is part of the series 'Fascinating Cultural Objects: 'Multimodal concept mapping in teaching and learning'. It will be followed by a session about writing challenges for teachers as researchers.
Please join us for supper afterwards in a local restaurant (about £15.00)
Follow this link for further Information
Contact christina@mirandanet.ac.uk
June 1st 2007
Test Item - ignore
IgnoreThursday 22nd March 2007
Mobile Learning under the Microscope
A free seminar for senior decision makers across education at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. Follow the link for full information and a form.
Thursday 15th to Saturday 17th February 2007
Prague Workshop
Prague Workshop Thursday 15th to Saturday 17th February 2007, Prague
Our second Etopia event is a face to face workshop called :
Towards personalised learning: implementing the philosophy
A CPD event examining the role of ICT in building partnership projects
We had our first MirandaNet workshop in Prague in 1997 so ten years after it seems a good idea to repeat this success. If you do not work in the UK it might be a good idea to see if the British Council in your country might fund you to come.
Thursday 11th January, 12:30-13:30, MirandaNet Stand
Web Communities for Children
Learning to Be: Social Software: Young People's Web Communities
A meeting about starting a MirandaNet working group in 2007
- Thursday 11th January. 12:30 - 13:30
- MirandaNet Stand number S97 Grand Hall Gallery
Web2 affordances are part of young people's lives. The ICT they encounter in educational contexts fails to reflect their leisure use of electronic communications media. Extra-curricular ICT use is leaking into classrooms, and the ripples are beginning to worry teachers and school leaders. School ICT use can no longer be thought of as a walled garden, in which young people can be insulated and isolated from outside influences. Is it only the teachers who are unaware of the world outside?
Following on from our online discussion, in this informal forum members will explore some of the issues with young people's ICT use, their web communities and the social software that enables young people to create their own worlds - and sense of identity.
Members will discuss strategies for schools and their young people to work creatively and effectively with communications technologies, and gather evidence to inform policy makers and schools in their practice. We will also be looking for funding sources to begin a working party in 2007.
Please note: This meeting is instead of the meeting advertised for 1st December at the Institute of Education in London. We thought more people would be able to attend this one as part of their exhibition visit.
Thursday 11th January - 15.15 in Room A
Social Technologies and Learning in Your Classroom
A BETT07 Fellows' Seminar
Social Technologies and Learning in Your Classroom: Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and more...
Miles Berry & Terry Freedman, two of our Fellows, are doing a session on Thursday 11th January in Room A at 15.15 on Social Technologies and Learning in Your Classroom: Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and More.
Email christina@mirandanet.ac.uk for more information.
10th - 13th January 2007
MirandaNet at BETT07 - Stand S97 Grand Hall Gallery
MirandaNet will be at BETT07 upstairs on Stand S97 in the Grand Hall Gallery. Detailed information will shortly be posted on our special BETT section.
8th January 2007
Information and Communication Technology: Global Learning Communities
A Major pre-BETT International ICT Conference
Information and Communication Technology: Global Learning Communities
- 8th January 2007
Keynote : Christina Preston
We hope to see you next at this exciting international conference which explores key issues of global learning communities in relationship to ICT access, the effectiveness of interactive technologies and the creation and educational use of digital media.
Friday 1st December twilight 5 - 7 pm
Web Communities for Children
Change of date: Meeting about social web communities has been moved from 1st December at the Institute of Education in London to 11th January at BETT, Olympia
November 3rd, 2006
Etopia Charity Dinner
Launching Etopia: a charity dinner : November 3rd, 2006 London
Our first Etopia event is a charity dinner, held as part of the programme for 'Getting Better Together', an international conference held throughout Europe every four years for 300 teachers of young people with a medical or mental health diagnosis (www.gettingbettertogether.com). The funds raised by this dinner will be used to support the conference and to set up international projects between hospital schools, primary and secondary schools and excluded learners. If sufficient money is raised, this will also go towards bursaries for teachers to attend the inaugural Etopia Continuing Professional Development workshop and visit to Czech schools in Prague, 15th - 17th February 2007.
- Download the Invitation Letter (Word)
- Download a Booking Form (Word)
Saturday 14th October 2006, London
MirandaNet workshop series
Saturday 14th October 2006, London
Colleagues are warmly welcomed to the MirandaNet workshop series Fascinating cultural objects: multimodal mapping in teaching and learning 11:00am to 4:00pm
Tasking Visual Learning to the Next Level Chaired by Michael Smith Institute of Education,University of London, 20 Bedford Way, WC1H 2AL (nearest tube- Russell Square. See www.streetmap.co.uk) Room 642
11:00 - 12:00
Taking visual learning to the next level Introducing InspireData
Mark Oronzio will be presenting the latest data handling tool which promote visual approaches to data presentation. This package will be useful for practice based research and for educators engaged in post graduate studies.
12:00 - 1:00
Practical Inspiration mapping
Jane Finch will be presenting lessons learned from working with teachers and learners using Inspiration concept mapping software. This session will look at some examples of interesting practice and some models of use ranging from critical thinking to planning and organisation.
1:00 - 1:45 Lunch funded by Inspiration
1:45 - 3:00 presentations by participants about their multimodal mapping research in teaching and learning in progress to be published in the special mapping issue of the Reflecting Education ejournal which will be published in February 2007 http://reflectingeducation.net
Please let me know if you are planning to come as soon as possible for catering reasons c.preston@mirandanet.ac.uk.
07 801 336 048
The next MirandaNet workshops
Multimodal Mapping research
Saturday 18th December. 11 am - 4 pm-
Web-communities for Children
Public social software and formal education 1st December 2007 twilight 5 - 7 pm.
We will be meeting for a meal afterwards
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