MirandaNet presence in the UK and throughout the World
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MirandaNorth Scholars and Fellows are involved in a number of exciting projects. Many colleagues are using their evidence-based research projects in the classroom to achieve postgraduate accreditation through the MirandaNet Academy. Contact us if you wish to become involved - or access the information from the MirandaNet site.
[More information on the MirandaNorth Web Site]
Interactive Whiteboard project
and Promethean are in the fourth year of an exciting project that is changing
pedagogy and learning through the use of interactive whiteboards. This now
promethean logo has an international dimension: the first phase involves colleagues
from China, Mexico and South Africa in building a resource bank and evidence
base for interactive whiteboards. Case Studies and resources are online.
[More information on the MirandaNorth Web Site]
School-based Continuous Professional Development: Action Research Projects
The MirandaNet Academy is collaborating with Bath Spa University to accredit evidence-based research projects undertaken by teachers in schools. If you're interested in the scheme, or are implementing a whole-school CPD project or School Improvement scheme, contact for initial discussions.
[More information on the MirandaNorth Web Site]