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MirandaNet scholar, Shahjahan Siraj, writes about his branch of MirandaNet in Bangladesh.

Machizo | Vision | Mission | Contacts | Plans | New Media Activism | International Women's Day


Machizo, Bangladesh ICT and Development Network is an not for profit and 'non political' independent ICT4D organisation. It actively works to give the ownership of modern information and technology to the majority people especially to the rural poor. The programs of Machizo have been designed with the spirit of change; peace and unity, harmony and equity by targeting the millennium development goals ( MDG), universal human rights declaration, culture of peace and national ICT policy implementations. It is engaged in action-oriented advocacy, research, model project, publication, knowledge management, ICT support and human potential development training.


To establish the harmonious and peaceful information society, and to expand the ownership of modern technology and global information system to rural and disadvantage people solving the digital divide properly.


The Machizo Trust will organize strategically projects, activities, research and advocacy so that mass people particularly the rural people can empower by the latest information and modern communication technology that can advance the poverty alleviation, people participation, democracy, culture of peace, social justice and unity by grasping the digital opportunity and making effective connectivity.

[Follow this link for some background information on Machizo]

Further Contacts

Linked children (Shahidul Alam/ Drik - click for full image)

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