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5th October 2009
At the Handheld Learning Conference
Participants in the Handheld Learning MirandaMod raised a fascinating range of issues linking theory and practice about the use of ubiquitous technologies in informal learning, and the ways in which they can impact formal education.
The session addressed these questions:
- Can these technologies make learning for professionals, teachers and students more personal and relevant?
- How can we re-conceptualise assessment, so that it better reflects the ways in which knowledge is developed collaboratively? Or should we give up on the nostrum of online learning?
- What is the value of the learning experience balanced again the expense and the risk?
There was a lively discussion from the participants: PGCE students, practitioners, academics and a number of overseas colleagues, with a particularly strong contingent from Australia.
Sharing and collaborating on the map
All participants were invited to contribute to an online concept map which represents the collaborative knowledge built up by delegates at the Handheld Learning conference, as well as their colleagues who participated online. This open, wiki-type map that everyone may view and use can be found on:
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