Learning Designer LKL

 2nd International Learning Design Challenge: Reviewing Designs

led by Professor Diana Laurillard, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education

24 – 31st  March 2014

First we would like to thank all who attended and contributed to our 1st International Learning Design Challenge. We now have many great learning designs for the community to share and use. This has been a great success and would not be possible without your contributions.

The 2nd International Learning Design Challenge week begins on 24 March and is focused on ‘reviewing designs’. Many of us who submitted designs did not either complete or receive a review. For those who did, it was clearly a valuable experience, so it is worth having this focus for the new Challenge.

Prior to the launch of the 2nd Challenge the Coursesites session will have a Forum for ‘Introductions’, where participants can introduce themselves and the context in which they work. You can assess this here.

There will be two live events during the week (times are GMT/UTC):

Monday 24 March 1:00-1:30 Orientation

  1. Summary of the results of the International Challenge week
  2. Reflections on the review process
  3. How to submit your design and review
  4. Using Twitter, Forums, and the Padlet wall
  5. Example reviews
  6. Q&A

The live video stream remains available after each event on the website here.

The Coursesites Forum ‘Reflections on the reviewing process’ will be open all week for asynchronous discussions.

The Coursesites Forum ‘Q&A’ will be open all week for participants to ask for help and guidance on any aspect of the week’s activities.

Questions can be asked on Twitter using #LDChallenge, or email learningdesignercommunity@gmail.com.

The Padlet wall ‘Suggestions’ will be available all week for participants to suggest themes for later ILD Challenge events here.

The Learning Designer tool is always available for use, and is free and open to all.

Monday 31 1:00-1:45 Findings from the week and follow-up

  1. Invitation to hear about a new design from the community
  2. Invitation to hear about experience of review
  3. Walk through a review in terms of the team’s analysis of the types of points made
  4. Q&A
  5. Next event and themes to be determined from the community
  6. Final survey and Badges

Each event will be run from the website on this page:

Learning Designer team: Patricia Charlton, Dionisis Dimakopoulos, Bernard Horan, Eileen Kennedy, Diana Laurillard (IOE), Joanna Wild (Oxford) learningdesignercommunity@gmail.com
