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is one of our old traditions which we hope to resurrect (perhaps with the
help of a sponsor?).
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They were awarded to the best educational site of the month and the best community or subsidiary site of the month, using our MirandaRose Criteria as our guide. They have not been awarded for over a year now (Jan 2006).
The July Site-of-the-Month MirandaRose Award goes to:
Pupiline, a site written and run by teenagers for teenagers. Bright and cheerful, with interesting articles on fashion or film, and with competitions and links to other sites of interest to teenagers, it is, at heart, an anti-bullying site. It includes password protected forums and an area called 'My Pupiline' which includes messages, chat, and diary functions. The Features and Issues sections are deep and challenging, covering bullying, exam stress, driving, getting dumped, epilepsy, debt, bank accounts, sex and contraception, and lots more. The construction of the site is a model of clarity, with very easy navigation.
Past award winners
Teaching Time. This delightful site has one aim - teaching the time - and it fulfils it well. There are large interactive clocks which can be used for whole class teaching, and there are games and worksheets to cover all levels of difficulty. A strong feature of the site is the ability to switch between digital and analogue formats. The worksheets allow you to print out an infinite variety of clock faces at all levels of difficulty. One set even has the text in French, making this a very versatile resource.
TeachPE underpins GCSE and A level Physical Education and has resources for coaches and teachers. Interactive tests, downloadable worksheets and page links to relevant information. will be NGFL badged this month and has gained the SportsMedia PE award.
The Essex Grid for Learning. Badged by the NGfL, this is an up-to-the-minute local resource for everyone in education. For teachers, there are sections on teaching resources, special needs, curriculum areas, sectors, management, school improvement, professional development ... and more.
Lewisham/Goldsmiths Talent NOF area. Freely accessible and well organised courseware for teachers integrating ICT into their teaching. The opening screen couldn't be better for navigating from. Usually this sort of quality of material is subscriber only and/or password protected. (There is an unofficial archive of much of this site.)
Primary Education Resources for its lesson plans, activity ideas and resources for primary teachers.
TechKnowLogia -- an online e-zine for managing learning offering e-tools for education.
Kids Domain UK - useful seasonal ideas for teachers; full of animation.
ICT in Education - Terry Freedman's excellent site with articles on e-learning and information & communication technology containing practical advice for teachers, advisors and school leaders. - this is a resource for Preschool-Grade 2. The links (2,600 sites) are organised in over 40 main categories, and most are briefly annotated.
The General Teaching Council - provides a unique channel where the independent and influential voice of teachers can be heard.
Kids on the net - This site features writing by children at home and at school all over the world. Age range is 6 to about 16. It is a good place for children to go to share stories they may have developed in
Terra Media - a chronology of the media and an impressive learning and reference resource on audio-visual and communications media for all ages
Parents Information Network - apparently 60% of secondary schools report that parents ask questions about ICT; this site helps answer their queries.
Ambleside School: one of the first innovative schools online.
Datalake: the learning and earning database. An innovative and comprehensive resource for trainers (only the archive parts of the site were working when we last checked: there's a link to the Monster Career Network which is worth exploring).
Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications because it will bring teachers what they need to make the government's plans for education viable.
Classical Search A specialised classical music search engine listing more than 15,000 international classical music sites; very useful for music teachers.
Lambeth Connections - was Brixton Connections.
Topmarks - One of
the best list sites for education with impressive subject categories and a
good search mechanism. This database of recommended sites is checked and updated
every week for changed URLs and sites that have disappeared.
Educate the Children - The stated aim of this excellent site is to provide 'free worksheets, lesson plans, articles and resources to teachers all over the world'. Hosted by MerseyWorld and soon to feature additional material provided by Canterbury Christ's College, this invaluable Internet resource is largely the work of two people. Again, a teacher and child-centred resource proves to be amongst the most useful.
The ICAA Training Programme The ICAA Training Programme has been designed to meet government and TTA expectations for the enhancement of pupils' learning through the skilled use of ICT in the classroom. This is a valuable source of ideas and resources. You will need to register and the site talks to you.
Education Research Forum within the Virtual Teachers Centre -- an international resource for those carrying out research into new technologies in education; particularly good on collaboration.
ICT Teachers - a real attempt to create a community by teachers for teachers and it offers support for computer-related problems.
Digitalbrain - a Portal site designed to be the central control area (or brain) of the digital nervous system for people to develop as they move into an online environment; impressive and has curriculum content developed by teachers for teachers. The interface is very user-friendly and distinctive.
Argosphere - modernistic
website for education (and other purposes). The navigation is intuitive and
easy. Content is of a good quality. You can join in, submit your own school
site and find others. It feels like an online community. Those teaching with
the Internet in school would be well-advised to be looking at this, along
with previous Rose winners, on a regular basis.
Lee Manor Primary School - maintained by a keen parent. Newly added sections include teacher topic letters informing parents about the work their children are doing. It has a nice look and feel.
The 21st Century Learning Initiative - well-designed site exploring research and development into the nature of human learning, and its implications for education and the development of communities worldwide.
Oneworld - a very thorough portal for all kinds of educational requirements.
The 24 hour museum - excellent museum site giving the latest museum and gallery news, openings and exhibitions and a wide range of ideas.
Stories from the Web - a wonderful interactive book-oriented site supported by libraries in Birmingham, Bristol and Leeds. It features, stories, reviews and interviews with authors (like the amazing Ms. Rowling) written by children.
Wordpool - range of literacy support for teachers.
Orbital Mechanics Education Network - Educational opportunities for UK National Curriculum Keystages 2 to 5 in Science, Technology, Design, Mathematics, Geography, Art, English and History.
Parents online - a very good, informative and imaginative site designed for parents, with hints on how to help with homework in many different disciplines. - part of Guardian Unlimited; a new site, launched this May, that aims to offer UK school students and teachers top quality on-line lessons and learning materials. It's still being built, but is worth looking at.
Trace Online Writing Community - which exhibits good practice in the area of community-building and energetic support to learners in writing at all stages.
Just for teachers - This site should be a first stop for all teachers. It has news, jobs, debate, dialogue, education news and issues, classroom resources and an outstanding knowledgebase.
Teaching Ideas - rich resource for primary teachers in a wide range of subjects.
Pathways - internet based lessons mostly at secondary level; actively seeking contributions in subject disciplines.
Becta Teachers Online Project - launched by the Learning and Technology Minister in November 2000.