Normanby Primary School, Redcar & Cleveland

Making the news

This video was produced by pupils, who whilst on courses at their local City Learning Centre, learned a range of techniques that they would need to create television interviews.

They then went back into their schools, interviewed their teachers, edited and produced the television programme.

These autonomous learners were full participants in the learning progress: Learner involvement; Creativity; Personalisation; Collaboration; An awareness of audience and a wider audience than that of the teacher – the class; home; a global audience were an integral part of their achievements.

The video file is embedded in the player below. You will be prompted to download a plug in if your browser is unable to display the player.

The file will start downloading when you click on the Play button, but might take a little while before there is enough downloaded for it to play. You can click on the image to view in full screen, and click again to return to this web page.
