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International e-mail exchange between pupils

Aim | Pupil Age | Curriculum | Activity | Plenary


"It is exciting and you can find out about what other countries are doing."
"It's very interesting talking to people with different languages."
Pupils age 10 & 11, UK school

Aim: International e-mail exchange between pupils.
E-mails and any attachments are introduced to the class, either in a paper form or OHP or data projector. The class discusses each e-mail and pupils brainstorm ideas for a reply.

Pupil age: 9 to 11 years / whole class activity

Curriculum: Citizenship, Geography, Literacy, Communication.

Activity: Groups of children (between 1 and 4) are given a paper or electronic copy of one email and any attachments. The pupils are asked to prepare a reply using a word processor.

Plenary: The responses the pupils have prepared are presented to the whole class and discussed. The replies are sent, either immediately, or saved and sent as attachments later.

The pupils discover aspects of European life that are both similar and different. This cultural exchange heightens the awareness of common ground between people of different countries, adds interest and promotes discussion. The email exchange and discussion by the pupils promotes tolerance of differences between cultures.

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