Christina Preston: Earlier Publications
Profile | Skills | Career & Awards | Publications | Teaching, Conferences & Projects | Earlier Publications
Publications | Speaker | Newspaper Pieces | Awards | Keynotes | Conferences | Referee | Downloadable Articles
C., Cox M. and Cox K. (April 2000) Teachers as Innovators in Learning:
What motivates teachers to use ICT London: Teacher Training Agency/MirandaNet/Oracle/Compaq
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Preston, C. (1999) Building On-line Professional Development Communities for Schools, Professional Associations or LEAs, in M. Leask and N. Pachler (Editors) Learning to Teach Using ICT in the Secondary School. London: Routledge.Preston, C. (2000) Collaboration through Technology Now and in the Future: Linking New Europe with the World, in Culture and Technology in the New Europe: Civic Discourse in Transition in Post-Socialist Nations. New York: Ablex.
Preston, C. (2000) Industry Education Partnership, in M. Leask and N. Pachler (Editors) ICT Issues in Schools. London: Routledge.
Refereed Journal Papers
Preston, C. (1995) Creative Telematics in Women, Work and Computerisation. A. Adams et al. (editors) Elsevier Science BV (North Holland), pp 187 - 200.
Preston, C. (1997) Sisemas hypermolios colaborativo: nuevo ambientes de apprendaizaje, Informatica Educativa Vol 10, no. 1, pp 45 - 57. Chile.
Professional Journal Articles
(Syndicated articles for ICT professional journals in Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, Holland, Russia.)
Preston, C. (1998) Swept by the Tide of Technology, National Association of Advisers and IT Co-ordinators (ACITT) Journal, April.
Preston, C. (1999) Hello Mr Chips, British Computer Society Bulletin, March.
Preston, C. (1999) On-line Teacher Communities, TeacherNet Journal, Hobsons Educational, September.
Preston, C. (1999) Papert Changes His Mind, M. Sinko (Editor), Listening to Papert, IT Centre, Helsinki University, Finland.
Preston, C. (1999) Web Based Learning Environments, National Association of Advisers and IT Co-ordinators, (ACITT) London.
Conference Proceedings
Preston, C. (1997) Keynote: A Round Table: Getting Together at a Distance. Paper presented at the Web Wise Teachers, Prague, March.
Preston, C. (1998) Keynote: Do computers change teachers attitudes to teaching and learning? Presented at the Poskole 98, Sedmihorsky, Czech Republic, April.
Preston, C. (1999) Keynote: Social Inclusion and ICT. National Computer Board Conference Room, Port Louis, Mauritius. January.
Preston, C. (1999) Keynote: Using ICT to improve teaching and learning. Teachers' Day, Virtualisation in Education, CAL99, London, 29 March.
Preston, C. (1999) Keynote: The Learning Grid: the next five years. The British Computer Society, Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group. April.
Preston, C. (1999) Keynote: Building learning models for teachers. Poskole 99, Sedmihorsky, April.
Preston, C. (2000) Keynote: Teachers as Learning Innovators. Paper presented at the BETT2000, Olympia Exhibition Centre, London 12th December.
Invited speaker
Preston, C. (1999) Speaker: Women in Europe, European Union of Women. Glazier's Hall, November.
Preston, C. (1999) Speaker: Research based in-service models on the Web. Paper presented at the BECTA/ICTSN, Birmingham, October.
Preston, C. (2000) Speaker: Web Based Learning Environments for Community Learning. Educational technology and the impact on teaching and learning: a global research forum, Olympia Exhibition Centre, London, 11 January.
Conference Papers
Preston, C. (1999) Peach Velvet. A revolution in collaborative lifelong learning for teacher educators across cultural boundaries. Paper presented at Virtualisation in Education, CAL99, London, 27-30 March.
Preston, C. (1999) Networked lifelong learning environments: a challenge to professional educators and their trainers. Ibid.
Preston, C. (1999) Investigating the motivational factors which lead to successful uptake of ICT by teachers. Ibid.
Preston, C. (1999) Web Wise Teachers. Paper presented at the Initial Information Technology Educators ITTE, Edinburgh, August.
Preston, C. (1999) What Factors Support or Prevent Teachers from Using ICT in their Classrooms?. Paper presented at the British Education and Research Association, IT Special Interest Group, Brighton, September.
Preston, C. (1999) What Motivates Teachers to Use ICT? Ibid.
Preston, C. (1999) Using the Web to Link Teachers in Europe. Paper presented at the European SchoolNet Conference, London, 2 November.
Web-based Publications
Preston, C. (1996) Changing Teachers' Style. London:
Preston, C. (1997-2001) MirandaNet web site. - 198 screen pages
Preston, C. (1999) MirandaNet/Scoop/Oracle web site (now - 90 screen pages
TTA/Compaq multimedia resource and expert service by the MirandaNet Fellows under construction for BETT2000. - 50 screen pages
Newspaper and Magazine Articles
Preston, C. (2000) Draw the Net tighter, The Times Higher Education Supplement, p 21, 13 October.
Preston, C. (1996) Teachers lead a revolution in outward mobility after the isolation years, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 9 February.
Preston, C. (1997) Collaboration strategies take edge off high IT anxieties, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 14 March.
Preston, C. (1997) Review of the Real Time Club on IT in Schools, British Computer Bulletin, June.
Preston, C. (1998) Experts to make on-line tuition less of a lottery, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 9 January.
Preston, C. (1998) Is teaching less of a job? Let's make it a profession again, The Independent, 19 November.
Preston, C. (1998) Sifting the raw material, Interactive, September, pp. 39-40.
Preston, C. (1999) From Monarchs to Email, The Times, 8 January.
Preston, C. (1999) The Future of Learning, The Times 8 January.
Preston, C. (1999) Expert Teachers using the Web, Interactive, pp. 36-38.
Preston, C. (1999) The virtual classroom, The Daily Telegraph, Connect Supplement, 2nd December.
Preston, C. (1999) The Net may be the Inspiration Teachers Need, The Times Education Supplement, Research Focus, 10 December.
Preston, C. (1999) Making the best of the NGFL, TES Governors' page, 10 December (p 21).
Prizes and Awards
1997 Multimedia Apple laboratory at The Institute of Education, University of London.
1998, July. Winner of the European Woman of the Year Achievement Award in the Humanitarian Category for the Anglo-Czech MirandaNet Alliance.
1999, October. Judge for the BETT2000 Awards.
MirandaNet also has its own prestigious MirandaRose Award for the Best Educational Site of the Month.
Conference and Seminar Chair
Chair of Writers and Computers 1996, Institute of Education, University of London, March (sponsored by Apple).
Chair of CAL99, Institute of Education University of London, March (Sponsored by Oracle and Promethean).
Chair Tempus Conference 1999
Moving on in Central Europe. School of Education, Charles University, 13 September Prague, Czech Republic (Professor Gunther Kress and Dr. Chris Fowler invited as speakers).
Vice Chair - European SchoolNet Conference, Oracle, London, 2 November.
Chair - 2000, Building Learning Communities - three national seminars, 10 March, 22 May, 5 June.
Chair - Teachers' Day, 2000, 15 July (12-16 July) Educating for the 3rd Millennium.
Cheltenham College of Higher Education: organiser, The IT Network (sponsored by Oracle, Compaq, Apple and TeleWest).
Vice-Chair - CAL01, Chair of the Teachers' day, University of Warwick. March 2001.
Journal Papers Referee
CAL Conference Committee 1997 University of Exeter, The Institute of Education, 1999 and University of Warwick 2001.
Computers in Education Journal, Professor Jean Underwood (Ed) University of Nottingham Trent.
Journal for Information Technology in Teacher Education, Professor Niki Davis (Editor).
Journal Papers in preparation for 2000
Preston, C. and Mannova, B. (2000) Web Wise Teachers: An Anglo-Czech Alliance, (for JITTE).
Four from the TTA research:
- What kind of in-service ICT training do teachers like?
- How does a teacher's learning style affect their approach to ICT?
- What are the new roles for teachers in the digital age?
- How do teachers like to use the Internet?
Three from the Oracle research:
- Planning the development of a professional web site.
- Industry education partnership in ICT.
- Learning gains on the Web.
Articles on this site
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Thinking Space for Teachers - rtf file (3 pages)
virtual teachers centre for virtual teachers? 18 Kb (5 pages)
will be appearing on a multimedia screen near you soon 19 Kb (5 pages)
presentation and intellectual progress 10 Kb (2 pages)
alliances in teacher education in ICT 14 Kb (4 pages)
towards the twenty first century 10 Kb (2 pages)
Scholarships 19 Kb (5 pages)
give teachers mobile computers? 12 Kb (3 pages)