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台中一中與英國聖十字中學的第一類接觸 - STAR Project

Introduction by Principal Tsai

[Visit the Taiwan STAR Web Site]

In mid-December 2006, Mr. Jao-fu Wang, a devoted and experienced physics teacher in our school, had a great opportunity to take part in a visit-tour to London, UK, which was hosted by the Ministry of Education. Upon his return, he brought us a wonderful Christmas present - the STAR Project from the Holy Cross School.

The STAR Project was originally devised by Mr. Lawrence Williams, Assistant Head Teacher at the Holy Cross School, and developed by Ruth Petersen, NASA educator, and Joe Kolecki, NASA Mars Pathfinder scientist. With this project, as well as the communication through the internet, the students at their school were able to exchange information with the educators and scientists in NASA by writing e-mails and, until Summer 2006, having video-conferences. Furthermore, they can have free access to an abundance of resources on the NASA website, write science fictions, create play scripts, and even put on dramas based on their science fiction. With the elaboration of art and information technology, they expect to enhance their students' interest in learning science.

Fully aware of the significance of this project, Mr. Wang immediately expressed to them our great interest in being part of this project. As soon as he returned to school, he informed me of the general ideas about this project. How can we let go of such a great opportunity? Thanks to Teresa Chang's help, an English teacher at our school, we are able to make frequent contact with Mr. Williams, and thus managed to complete the construction of the web site within a very short period of time.

I sincerely hope that all the students in our school can make the best of the on-line resources on the Taiwan STAR website, which can assist our students in broadening their global vision, absorbing knowledge on science, enhancing their English ability, and elevating their artistic capability.

May the students in Taichung First Senior High School become the top global citizens in the future!

Principal Tsai
Jan. 2007

Lawrence Williams adds:

We are very pleased indeed to have made contact with such a fine and forward-looking school in Taiwan. The speed with which they have adopted and developed STAR is really quite remarkable. We look forward to further fruitful links with this fine school.

2006 年12 月中旬, 本校王昭富老師, 獲教育部遴派前往英國倫敦,進行教育參訪。 返國後, 帶回 一 份精美的聖誕禮物 ~ 聖十字中學 (HOLY CROSS SCHOOL) 的 STAR PROJECT 。 這原是英國聖十字中學助理校長 Mr. WILLIAMS 的創見, 透過這個計畫, 以及網際網路的聯繫, 該校學生能夠和美國太空總署的科學家, 互通 e-mail 、進行視訊交流。並且,他們能夠享用 NASA 網站上的資源, 撰寫科學故事、 編寫劇本、 甚至表演科幻劇。 期望藉由這一連串的藝術及資訊包裝, 提升學生學習科學的興趣。

王老師了解這項計畫的深遠意義,所以,在英國就當面向 Mr. WILLIAMS 表達參加這項計畫的強烈意願。 並且在回國後, 立刻向我說明了這個計畫的大致內容。 有這麼好的機會, 我們當然要及時把握! 透過英文科張淑芬老師的幫忙, 我們與 Mr. WILLIAMS 取得聯繫, 並在最短時間內, 完成了這個網站的架設。

希望同學們好好運用這一個網站的線上資源, 藉此拓展國際視野、 充實科學新知、 精進英文能力、 提升藝術涵養。讓台中一中的學生, 都能成為頂級的世界公民


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