Beijing - London Learning Together

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Training LogoLinking Teachers in the UK and China

Why and how | Making contact | First meeting | Second meeting | Teacher Training | GCSE Vocational | Partner Schools | Poskole 2007 | Holy Cross | Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences | SSAT | Forum Discussion

Teacher Training at Holy Cross School: links with Merton and Beijing

The Holy Cross School is a designated Teacher Training School, as well as a Specialist Science College. As part of the development of our student teachers’ programmes, we are linked with two Merton schools, through a local ITT consortium. One of these is Raynes Park High School (RPHS), a Specialist Technology College.

Preparing the Materials
Preparing the materials (note the logo on the screen)

Accordingly, we are working together to develop on-line materials for the Beijing "Learning Together" project. In this case, it is a series of Year 8 PowerPoint files which showcase the school, as part of an Enterprise Project, and linked with Beijing School No.27. The aim of the project, devised by their English teacher, Susan Williams, is to showcase or "sell" the work and facilities of the south London school, and to send the learning outcomes to Beijing, with voice-over narration. The files will then join the "Stories for Children" project files, as part of an international, on-line, audio-visual library in Beijing, which we hope will be of practical use to Chinese students. The Beijing students will be able to download the files, read the text in English, and hear accompanying good spoken English, which will support their language studies. More topics are currently under development.

Our Holy Cross trainee student in ICT, Abdul Elwakili, is contributing his technical expertise in multi-media to the project, by supporting a Gifted and Talented group at RPHS, through this local consortium. In this way, we are drawing on his ICT expertise, developing higher quality presentations at Raynes Park, and allowing Abdul first-hand experience of an international, on-line collaboration.

The project also gives him experience of working in a mixed school, to complement his work at Holy Cross (girls) School. Technical and project management problems are solved as a team: we really are "learning together".


Abdul Elwakili busy supporting a young learner
Abdul Elwakili busy supporting a young learner


Beijing - London Learning Together

Beijing - London Learning Together Project


Holy Cross School
Holy Cross School

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